
SARS-CoV-2 sensitive info on origins/responsible parties + the "UK strain"

Credits to many anons from /cvg/, /wgg/, /pol/ and others


Table of contents

(use CTRL+F for the following lines to jump to the corresponding section)


[Resources for once you're done with reading this page]

[qrd on FOIA email drops - required reading]

[Big redpill-rundowns]

[Useful resources]

[All the theories on how SARS-CoV-2 was constructed]


[A statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology]

[Thread where EcoHealth Alliance's astroturf "natural origins" "statement" gets analyzed]


[On EcoHealth Alliance <-> USAID <-> CIA's Peter Daszak, his own statements and slip-ups]
[Peter Daszak worked directly with Shi Zhengli, so did Wang Linfa and Hume Field (who is also in the emails)]
[The Pentagon gave $39 MILLION to Dr. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance - the charity that funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab accused of being the source of the outbreak, federal data reveals]

[Complete list of people who co-authored papers with Shi Zhengli]

[New emails show scientists’ deliberations on how to discuss SARS-CoV-2 origins]


[WHO "investigation" - plagued with conflicts of interests]
[WHO inspector has conflict of interest in Wuhan SARS-2 probe]

[Lies and inconsistencies in WHO report]



[On one of CCP's main collaborators - EcoHealth Alliance (affiliated and overlaps with One Health), and their connections that run very deep]


[BlackRock - international investment corporations' money trails]



[BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) involvement]


[Ecohealth Alliance, James Taylor and Sergei Pond]

[On Anthony Fauci's contributions]

[US government/NIH/NIAID obscuring information on their cooperation with CCP]

[Molecular, virological, genomical, biological, evolutionary details on the origins of the virus]
[Long thread on the origins and evolution of the RaTG13 natural origins lie]

[The Pan-SL-CoV/GD sequences may be from contamination.]

[RmYN02 partial homology with PRRA insert - figment of chinese imagination]

[Study By CEO of Atossa Therapeutics: Concludes that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory]


[Moderna's contributions]

[Barney Graham's involvement]
[Bill Gates' involvement]


[Dutch researchers assisting WIV/CCP]


[Different scientists speaking out on the likelihood of the unnatural origins of the virus]

[On the involvement of the main suspects - CCP, PLA]
[The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a systematic project implemented step by step planned by the Communist Party of China, and it is also part of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" outline]

[The likely SARS-CoV-2 backbone viruses - ZC45/ZXC21 - were likely brought by Biao He to Chongqing, Changchun or Nanjing for processing, likely Chongqing as the writer of Third Military Medical University from there, a student, mentioned the backbones in his papers]

[One example of CCP military-civil fusion project in Unrestricted Bioweapon.]

[From PLA’s bat CoV ZC45/ZXC21 to COVID19: Ningyi Jin (PLA) - Biao He - Changchun Tu - Zhengli SHI (WIV) - Linfa Wang (WIV & Duke-NUS & fellow of Australian Academy of Technological/Sciences/Engineering)]
[Biao He worked in the group that isolated Zhoushan viruses ZC45 and ZXC21 and works at Ningyi Jin's military veterinary institute with Changchun Tu, who worked with Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Linfa Wang, a key coronavirus scientist.]

[Shan Liu Lu and Lishan Su]
[Lishan Su worked with Shibo Jiang (who worked with Yusen Zhou before the latter died under unknown circumstances and of unknown cause)... in December 5, 2019, on... HIV-1 fusion inhibitor]

[Charles Lieber's relation to civilian side of dual-use research for both PLA and USA]


[Yunnan Mojiang mine & its viruses]


[Pandemic/biowarfare/virus scenarios and plannings]

[Responsible parties' chimeric virus construction, GoF and release detailed overviews, bioweapon discussions, biowarfare plans]

[Weird sequences inside of SARS-CoV-2 genome and overview of their likely action]


[CCP already had the "UK strain" mutation in their lab(s) long before, - an update of the OG SARS-CoV-2 with deliberate enhancing of host selection site that was mapped from SARS-CoV-1]
[Also, Pfizer reproducing N501Y the same way the CCP did]
[CCP had a study detecting the mutations the California strain is possessing now, specifically L452R, sent it back in 8 June 2020]


[Yusen Zhou's (died in-between 2 May and 30 July 2020) research is related to the SARS-CoV-2 variants, among other things]

[Did Fauci’s NIH Institute Financially Assist China’s Military?]







[Resources for once you're done with reading this page]

List of suspects to interrogate, organizations to investigate and methods to apply
Main ones missing from the list: CCP and PLA themselves, high-ranked CCP/PLA members responsible for biowarfare research


[qrd on FOIA email drops - required reading]




[Big redpill-rundowns]






[Useful resources]







[All the theories on how SARS-CoV-2 was constructed]


[Archives of deleted WIV pages, deleted Daszak twitter account, deleted Andersen twitter account]



Andersen cunt paid 19 dollaridos to scrub his 5,000 tweets before having to delete the twatter account anyway
>just auto-deletes bro


[Where the NIH funding goes to?]
Here, look.


NIH has a non-profit (Foundation for the National Institute of Health) that funnels money from private donors into the NIH. The biggest donor is the Gates Foundation with over $10,000,000 donated for 2020. All the pharma companies donate millions to this foundation which allows them to control what is being researched. Just USA's government institution being bought out by Gates and Big Pharma, no biggie.
List of donors by amount.






[A statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology]


"EcoHealth..received a taxpayer-funded bailout in February 2021..The bailout was the second received by EcoHealth since..start of..pandemic. After receiving $738,861 in a bailout in May 2020, EcoHealth got..additional $719,570 in February of this year"


[The emails themselves]


(On Lancet editors assisting with CCP propaganda)


(An appeal for an open scientific debate about the proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 was rejected by The Lancet)


[Thread where EcoHealth Alliance's astroturf "natural origins" "statement" gets analyzed]



[On EcoHealth Alliance <-> USAID <-> CIA's Peter Daszak, his own statements and slip-ups]


[Peter Daszak worked directly with Shi Zhengli, so did Wang Linfa and Hume Field (who is also in the emails)]



[The Pentagon gave $39 MILLION to Dr. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance - the charity that funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab accused of being the source of the outbreak, federal data reveals]

  • Federal data seen by DailyMail.com reveals The Pentagon gave $39 million to EcoHealth Alliance, which funded a lab in Wuhan, China, between 2013 and 2020
  • The Wuhan Institute of Virology is accused of being the source of Covid-19 
  • The majority of the DoD funding came from the DTRA, a military branch with a mission to 'counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks'
  • Federal grant data assembled by independent researchers shows that the charity has received more than $123 million from the government in total
  • Grants from the Pentagon included $6,491,025 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) from 2017 to 2020
  • EHA also received $64.7 million from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • It received $13 million from Health and Human Services, which includes the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control 
  • It is not known how much of the money actually went to the Wuhan lab 
  • EHA has also funded deeply controversial 'gain of function' experiments, where dangerous viruses are made more infectious to study their effect on human cells



>“To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs4 such as a pan-influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of [the] process.” Peter Daszak, Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary. 12 February 2016, Print Page 73, PDF Page 93. [30:00]


WHO’s COVID Researcher Peter Daszak – Who Refuses To Investigate Wuhan Lab – Donated To Joe Biden OVER 70 TIMES.




Daszak said he volunteered to investigate (himself)
>Interviewer: "Did that make it difficult in terms of the scientific purpose of the trip?"
>Daszak: "No. You’ve got a task to do. You’ve volunteered. You know what it’s going to be like. You get caught up in the historical importance. I don’t know if we were the first foreigners to walk around the Huanan seafood market, which is blocked off even to Chinese citizens. The only people that have been in there have been the Chinese disease investigators. We met with the doctors that treated the first known Covid patients."


>Daszak took umbrage with the claim that the bats had been captured and transported to the WIV and posted a tweet, in which he wrote "No BATS were 'sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analyses of viruses collected in the field.'" He then added, "That's not how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!"
>Daszak then deleted the tweet and its accompanying thread. However, its contents can still be seen on the Internet Archive


WHO inspector caught on camera revealing coronavirus manipulation in Wuhan before pandemic
>28:10, Daszak states researchers found SARS likely originated from bats and then set out to find more SARS-related coronaviruses, finding over 100. He observed that some can "get into human cells in the lab," and others can cause SARS in "humanized mouse models."

>he claims that his team's goal was trying to find the next "spillover event" that could cause the next pandemic, weeks before cases reported in Wuhan

>Daszak at 29:54 reveals that the goal of the dangerous GoF experiments was to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine for many different types of coronaviruses.

>"and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this."
>he speaks of inserting the spike protein "into a backbone of another virus, and do some work in the lab."


More on Daszak messing up

>Daszak: "scientists tell us that SARS-CoV-2 did not escape from a jar (Pandora's box)"
>also Daszak: "With luck, public control measures may be able to put the demons back in the jar"


There are full details of the letter sent to the president of the EHA, Peter Daszak, by three House Republicans in the US
>“We are interested in EHA’s knowledge of and access to the WIV’s virus samples, genomic sequences, and research afforded to EHA as a NIH federal award recipient who established a sub-recipient relationship with the WIV for grants …” the letter's signatories say.
>they add: “Since EHA is confident that a lab leak is not the cause, we expect you to welcome the opportunity to share any and all information, documents, and expertise you have related to bat coronavirus research at the WIV".


[Peter Daszak (from EcoHealth Alliance) reportedly received an envelope with white powder at his Montebello home, "got physical with [...] photographer and his camera, not realizing News 12 was still rolling"]


Exposing Oliver Pybus who spews out Chinese Lies on demand with his colleagues, Peter Daszak, George Gao, Eddie Holmes and their ilk



>Daszak was at a U.S. Congressional Briefing on Science Diplomacy organized by Coons and Murkowsky

Video thumb



[Complete list of people who co-authored papers with Shi Zhengli]

Jianhong Zhang
Christopher J Cowled
Cheng Peng
Glenn A Marsh
Alexei J Drummond
Meng Yu
Huajun Zhang
Lin-Fa Wang
Ben Hu
Zhihong Hu
Chung-Chau Hon
Christopher Broder
Hanzhong Wang
Gary Crameri
Michelle Baker
Jennifer A Barr
Zhenggang Han
Junfa Yuan
Chi Wai Yip
Yuji Zhang
Yan-Wei Tan
Bing Tan
Lijun Wu
Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam
Xinglou Yang
Jean-Robert Bonami
Meiniang Wang
Aleksei Chmura
Peter Daszak
Jun-Fa Yuan
Yunzhi Zhang
Xingyi Ge
Peng Zhou
Gengfu Xiao
Leike Zhang
Wendong Li
Jonathan H. Epstein
Yan Li
Wei Zhang
Linfa Wang
Guangjian Zhu
Wuze Ren
Ning Wang
Bei Li
Yan Zhu
Xinglou Yang
Bryan T Eaton
Hume Field
Shuyi Zhang

Shibo Jiang
Gao Fu
Kwok-Yung Yuen
Pei-Yong Shi

Jin Ningyi

Five of them (Daszak, Epstein, Eaton, Field, Chmura) are Ecohealth 


Curriculum Vitae
>Ralph S. Baric
>Zhengli Shi



[New emails show scientists’ deliberations on how to discuss SARS-CoV-2 origins]
>The emails of coronavirus expert Professor Ralph Baric show conversations between National Academy of Sciences representatives, and experts in biosecurity and infectious diseases from U.S. universities and the EcoHealth Alliance

>Baric and other infectious disease experts were involved in drafting the response to White House OSTP. The emails show the experts’ internal discussions and an early draft dated Feb. 4.

>The final letter published Feb. 6 did not mention binding sites or the possibility of a laboratory origin. It does make clear that more information is necessary to determine the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

>The emails show some experts discussing the need for clear language to counter what one described as “crackpot theories” of lab origin. Kristian Andersen, lead author of an influential Nature Medicine paper asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, said the early draft was “great, but I do wonder if we need to be more firm on the question of engineering.” He continued, “If one of the main purposes of this document is to counter those fringe theories, I think it’s very important that we do so strongly and in plain language…”

>In his response, Baric aimed at conveying a scientific basis for SARS-CoV-2’s natural origin. “I do think we need to say that the closest relative to this virus (96%) was identified from bats circulating in a cave in Yunnan, China. This makes a strong statement for animal origin.








[WHO "investigation" - plagued with conflicts of interests]


Quick rundown


Here are the ToRs (Terms of Reference) for the WHO investigation of SARS-CoV-2 origins (with annotations)


>These were negotiated with China, finalised on 31st July and quietly published on the WHO website on 5th Nov. No reason given for the delay.


[WHO inspector has conflict of interest in Wuhan SARS-2 probe]: Prominent biologist
>president of EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak is the only individual to be part of both the WHO and The Lancet teams investigating the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. However, he has long-term professional and financial ties with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which represents a conflict of interest.

>Daszak is the contractor who funded the WIV's research on bat SARS-related coronaviruses, with subcontracts of $200 million in USAID funding and $7 million in NIH funding.

>Daszak is a collaborator on the WIV research for bat SARS-related coronaviruses. WHO named Daszak as a member of its review team, and The Lancet named Daszak as the head of its review team. Ebright said this makes "it clear that WHO and Lancet reviews cannot be considered credible investigations."

>EcoHealth Alliance receives from USAID, NIH, and other agencies, which it funnels into the WIV, the firm received US$30 million from the US Department of Defense.

>Daszak has been a contractor, a collaborator, and a co-author on work at the WIV on construction and analysis of novel chimeric coronaviruses.

>Since 2014, Daszak's organization has funneled some of this U.S. government funding into the WIV to carry out research on bat coronaviruses. In the first phase of research, which took place from 2014 to 2019, Daszak coordinated with Shi Zhengli (石正麗) — also known as "Bat Woman" — at the WIV to investigate and catalog bat coronaviruses across China. EcoHealth Alliance received US$3.7 million in funding from the NIH for this research, and 10 percent was channeled to the WIV, reported NPR.



>Clear discussion about the conflicts of interest of Jeffrey Sachs and Peter Daszak with China. They so heavily biased that their opinions about covid19 become irrelevant.


>Yigang Tong is one of the leading Chinese experts in the WHO investigation team, but let's dig deeper:
He is formerly a PLA general (His successor in AMMS: Wuchao Cao and Ruifu Yang)
His research network:
The WHO report is a cover-up of biowarfare.




>So, I've been doing some layering. 1 question is why China's WHO report didn't include any sequences from the Wuchang side of the river.
[2/?] another is why most of the May positive samples [out of 9.98 million] were on the Wuchang side. One might presume that Wuchang was just hit harder later on, but [3/?] if so, why does the Wuhan CDC's heatmap from a May 2020 brief show a lot of activity in Wuchang, not centered on the hospitals themselves?


The World Health Organization’s ‘Independent Investigator’ Keeps Hyping Chinese Communist Propaganda Outlets.


[Lies and inconsistencies in WHO report]
Including misattributing cases to different places on maps, and misattributing dates


Official known case timeline



According to that Lancet article, Patient Zero was admitted to hospital December 8 or 9
Now Daszak's WHO team refers to this patient being unable to report personally on onset date, but fail to mention he was hospitalized with corona symptoms on December 8, so his onset date must have been before that day
Them antedating the onset date of their patient zero to December 8 might be part of this coverup/memory hole

Onset could easily be a few days before December 1st, progression from onset of symptoms to hospitalization is reported to be on average ~10 days



One of the likely reasons as of why CCP arrested all the doctors reporting on initial outbreaks is because the doctors were reporting on the outbreak a few days too early, George Gao made sure it was kept under wraps until December 30. They clearly waited for the wet market outbreak to occur before going public (likely for EcoHealth Alliance zoonozis agenda which George Gao would have an interest promoting, given that he is one of the core members).
Everyone overlooks the fact that if the outbreak didn't start at that market, it's very suspicious that the first known cluster happened there.





SAGO virus origins investigation team overview (as expected, all pozzed)









>What's the next tactic of #COVID origin that CCP & its partners will use? - Here are clues:
• Malik Peiris received top awards from CCP
• Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s Covid-19 technical lead for new origin group
• Shuang TANG from WIV virus database is Excellent CCP Member




SAGO denied Li-Meng Yan's application

>The list of WHO new COVID origin team is announced. No surprise! Full of old friends of Chinese government & Malik Peiris in HKU
>Here is my cover letter of SAGO application with the rejection letter from WHO
>Please explain their conflict of interest first!







[On one of CCP's main collaborators - EcoHealth Alliance (affiliated and overlaps with One Health), and their connections that run very deep]


One Health is a large movement, mostly of veterinarians infiltrating human medicine, but the (now defunct) One Health Platform is where all threads come together.
Its 2018 Scientific Advisory Board contains 20 names, 16 of interest, most of whom turn out to have played pivotal roles in the early pandemic, while two are considered 'key people' (Daszak and Linfa Wang)
Between them they controlled every crucial facet of the early outbreak including
- First outbreak alert (ProMED, Madoff)
- First genome sequencing (Holmes)
- First RT-PCR test protocol (Drosten)
- Ground Zero in Wuhan (Chinese CDC, Gao)
- WHO (both Emergency and Investigation committees)
- Academia (Lancet Letter, many articles shilling zoonosis)
- Media ('star virologists')
Taken together, this rather obscure organization and small circle of 'experts' had FULL CONTROL of the flow of information at any time during the early days of the pandemic, while also being closely involved with WIV bat-CoV research







“SARS-CoV-2 probably wasn’t a brand new virus that popped up all of a sudden. Viruses in this group existed before we became aware of them in 2019,” says Tracey Goldstein, associate director of the _One Health Institute_ at the University of California, Davis (UCDAVIS), who is involved with the Cambodian team.


OneHealth is affiliated with EcoHealth and PREDICT



PREDICT partners are CIA outfit Metabiota and billionaire club the Wildlife Conservation Society

(CIA puts around $37 million per year into In-Q-Tel, which in its turn, supports Metabiota)



>Karesh, Epstein, Olival, Daszak
>DOD, DTRA, DARPA, EcoHealth Alliance





(CIA-In Q Tel-Metabiota-DTRA-Ecohealth-DARPA-UC Davis-Institut Pasteur-Tracey Goldstein-Nathan Wolfe)



(Same groups traffic human blood (DNA) and pathogens from around the world for undisclosed military programs)




Pic shows how far back EcoHealth and WIV go, it's young Shi Zheng-Li (in a Yersinia Pestis T-shirt, of all things) with PREDICT director Jonna Mazet and EcoHealth's Billy Karesh, holding a photograph of her mentor Ian Lipkin (see Fauci mails)



Karesh coined the term One Health and he's also project liaison for USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT-2 and on the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense



Billy expands on Karesh
(Bobby's thread (and some of his other threads) linked inside is from /wgg/ findings btw)


Peter Daszak, Mazet etc are also part of the larger One Health network which spans just about any Western scientist involved in the corona response as well as the World Economic Forum




Ghislaine Wolfe - his CIA-funded Metabiota fucked up the Ebola response (quite likely purposefully, both as part of their agenda and for profits and "medical science" (i.e. vaccines, drugs push) that would be made) to the point you wouldn't have heard of Ebola without him.


Pentagon biolabs at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis
>US Company Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $18.4 million federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services.
>Metabiota services include global field-based biological threat research, pathogen discovery, outbreak response [!!!?] and clinical trials.
>Metabiota Inc. had been contracted by the Pentagon to perform work for DTRA before and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa and was awarded $3.1 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone (another Ebola epicenter).
>July 17, 2014 report by Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium accused Metabiota Inc. of failing to abide by an existing agreement on how to report test results and for bypassing the Sierra Leonean scientists working there, raised the possibility that Metabiota was culturing blood cells at the lab, something the report said was dangerous, as well as misdiagnosing healthy patients. All denied by Metabiota.
Investigation: Metabiota bungled Ebola response
>Metabiota chief executive officer and founder Nathan Wolfe said there was no evidence his company was responsible for the lab blunders
>He said Metabiota doesn’t specialize in outbreak response [!!!?] and that his employees stepped in to help and performed admirably


PREDICT1&2: EcoHealth Alliance, Global Viral-Metabiota, Smithsonian Institution, Wildlife Conservation Society
>Global Viral/Metabiota: Nathan Wolfe has received research support from Google.org, The Skoll Foundation, NIH, the National Science Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Geographic Society, Merck Research Laboratories and various branches of the U.S. Department of Defense

>Metabiota is funded by the ClA's Venture Capital fund inqtel
>Wolfe is on scientific board of EHA
>Part of the Global Virome Project
>Founding citizen of TerraMar

>S. Osofsky, Rockefeller Foundation, married to billionaire Elie Hirschfeld
Convergence of Ecohealth and One Health


>Zoetis (former company of Pfizer CEO Bourla), GSK, Boehringer
>Metabiota: Ben Oppenheim

Global Viral Forecasting Institute --> Global Viral --> Metabiota/Laboratorium for Research in Complex Systems (LRC)
LRC: DARPA grant/ sample.exchange
-Nathan Wolfe
-Neil Cohen, Dynamis Inc, Cobra Software (emergency response software)



EcoHealth Alliance for one of their benefits auction off a villa in the Virgin Islands right next to Little St James (Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island, yes) just a few kms away, and glownigger Nathan Wolfe also in the Consortium for Conservational Medicine led by Daszak is a friend of Ghislaine Maxwell (closest Epstein's associate)

(More on EcoHealth Alliance & co at Edison Ballrom event)



EcoHealth's Daszak and Epstein were 'presenters' at jewish billionaire club Tiger21 who were famously bearish late 2019 and made a killing in 2020 thanks to the pandemic they planned



Also, funding is a quite problematic topic for those groups







>EcoHealth Alliance Part of a Consortium Awarded USAID Contract To Build Global Capacity for One Health


>Shandong University Announces China’s First Ecohealth/One Health Institute


USAID pandemic Dennis Carroll expert shilled for GISAID


Dennis Carroll was one of the people who pushed the astroturf statement together with Peter Daszak
>Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19


USAID supported GISAID
>During the 6th African Network for the Surveillance of Influenza (ANISE) in Antananarivo, GISAID and isirv - in collaboration with Institut Pasteur de Madagascar and the World Health Organization’s Global Influenza Programme (GIP), with support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - are holding a two-day training workshop on genetic sequence analysis of influenza viruses to provide training for monitoring sequence variation among influenza viruses in relation to surveillance of influenza epidemics and detection of resistance to influenza antiviral drugs.


>Origin and cross-species transmission of bat coronaviruses in China with muh natural origins and muh RmYN02 and RaTG13
>This study was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (Award Number R01AI110964) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT project (cooperative agreement number GHN-A-OO-09-00010-00)
>We also gratefully acknowledge the authors from the Originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens and the Submitting laboratories where genetic sequence data were generated and shared via the GISAID Initiative, on which some of our analysis are based


David R. Franz of EcoHealth Alliance fame






[BlackRock - international investment corporations' money trails]


>EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization that focuses on local conservation and global health issues, announced the election of Ms. Margaret Loeb and Mr. Calvin Schmidt to its Board of Directors

Margaret Loeb is wife of Dan Loeb whose Third Point owns a big chunk of BlackRock

>2021-01-26 - BlackRock Inc. has filed an SC 13G/A form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing ownership of 12,661,328 shares of Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. (US:TPRE). This represents 13.3 percent ownership of the company

>EcoHealth Alliance worked with CCP at WIV on SARS-CoV-2




[BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) involvement]


Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca all got billions of gov dollars in BARDA funding, which is a spin-off of Kleiner Perkins Pandemic fund founded by One Health's Tom Monath
They pulled the same scam with EBOLA btw, with just a zero off the amounts. That conduit was Winnipeg lab (Heinz Feldmann) --> Newlink--> Monath

Monath used to be Novavax director



[USA] Millions of dollars meant to prepare for public health threats went to things like office furniture removal, watchdog says
>HHS misappropriated millions from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a new watchdog report found.
>BARDA is responsible for pandemic preparedness.
>The misappropriation of funds spanned ten years.

Dianne Feinstein, Richard Burr among senators who dumped stocks before coronavirus crash
[26 May 2020] Senators Kelly Loeffler, James Inhofe and Dianne Feinstein are told they are off the hook in FBI share-dumping probe - but Richard Burr is STILL being investigated
>Investigators began probes after public reporting on trades by Burr
>All had attended closed briefing on the coronavirus
>Loeffler sold off $2 million in stock ahead of coronavirus pandemic
>Her husband recently donated $1 million to pro-Trump super PAC
>Sen. Richard Burr stepped away from leading Senate Intel panel amid probe of his trades
>FBI raided Burr's home to obtain his cell phone
>Burr sold as much as $1.7 million in stocks before the market tanked


>Richard Burr

[25 November 2005] BARDA would escape public and judicial oversight by exemption from federal FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), even though it would have billions of tax dollars to spend, with much of it likely going to favored drug industry firms
>The proposed Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), intended to be part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, would be exempt from the federal FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). It also would be exempt from rules designed to ensure efficiency and protect against waste and fraud.

>Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., is the main sponsor behind BARDA. He says the agency is needed to "ensure the federal government acts as a partner with the private sector, providing the incentives and protections necessary to bring more and better drugs and vaccines to market faster."
>Burr is chairman of the Senate's Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness Subcommittee.



Tom Inglesby of BARDA fame
>Dr. Tom Inglesby is the Director of the Center for Health Security, a think tank that does policy research and gives policy recommendations to the United States government as well as the World Health Organization and the UN Biological Weapons Convention. He has worked for DARPA and BARDA, was part of the notorious Event 201 pandemic dry run, and has been a leading proponent of the lockdown measures during the Covid-19 panic.
>Involved in "Event 201" (2019) and "Operation Dark Winter" (2001).
>the pre-[2001 anthrax attacks] Operation Dark Winter
(one could wonder if this one was for the SARS-1 outbreak as well)
Also involved in Clade X (2018) global pandemic exercise
>Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, moderated the simulation in which a previously unidentified pathogen, Clade X



[JUNE 26, 2020] A whistleblower Rick Bright says the Trump administration continues to retaliate against him, stating in an updated complaint on Thursday that top officials are actively trying to discredit him and prevent him from being successful in a new role.
>Rick Bright, who led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) until he was demoted in late April, said in an amended complaint he has been “deliberately impeded” in his role at the National Institutes of Health, which “does not remotely utilize his expertise or experience.”

>According to the updated complaint, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar told HHS employees to refrain from doing anything that would help Bright be successful in his new role, and HHS employees were warned that Azar was “on the warpath” in response to Bright’s allegations.
>Bright’s initial complaint alleged his early warnings about the virus were met with indifference at the Department of Health and Human Services, and that his efforts to push back on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus contributed to his removal.

>The Office of Special Counsel, a watchdog agency that investigates complaints from government whistleblowers, previously found “reasonable grounds” that the administration retaliated against Bright.

>At NIH, Bright was supposed to be working to accelerate the development and deployment of new coronavirus testing platforms. He is a global expert in vaccines, and spent 10 years at BARDA, which is at the forefront of public-private partnerships to develop a treatment for COVID-19.

>But according to his amended complaint, Bright “is excluded from HHS’s work on vaccines, including the vaccine programs that he initiated in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic response. He is cut off from all vaccine work, cut off from all therapeutic work, and has a very limited role in the diagnostic work.”
>Bright previously oversaw 200 or more projects at BARDA, but according to his updated complaint, he now has responsibility for just five to eight projects, involving diagnostic tests already approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

>As BARDA director, Bright supervised a staff of more than 250 people. In his current role, Bright has a part-time contracted employee to assist with scheduling and is working to borrow staff detailed to other parts of HHS and other federal agencies to assist with his program.
>Bright’s updated complaint also details what he describes as a “retaliatory media campaign” from top officials, including President Trump, to discredit him.



BARDA's Rick Bright is now working for the Rockefeller Foundation. Just like the head of the US Army Vaccine program in 1918


Rick Bright also happens to be one of the inventors of influenza-like virus particles of 2018


R. Bright is also a member of the OneHealth forum





Slightly less relevant, but worth being mentioned

>As reported on January 24th, 2020, US biotech and pharmaceutical company Inovio received a $9 million grant to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. Inovio got the money grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), however they already have an existing partnership with CEPI; in April 2018 they got up to $56 million to develop vaccines for Lassa Fever and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
>CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Wellcome Trust … and the participants of Event 201: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF. CEPI’s CEO is the former director of BARDA (US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) which is part of the HHS.
>Inovio claimed they developed a coronavirus vaccine in 2 hours

>So who owns and runs Inovio? Two key men are David Weiner and Dr. Joseph Kim. Weiner was once Kim’s university professor. Weiner was involved with developing a vaccine for HIV and zika.
>Kim was funded by Merck (a large Big Pharma company) and produced something called Porcine Circovirus (PCV 1 and PCV 2). As mentioned above, there is a link between pig vaccines/pig DNA and the coronavirus; Annie Logical notes that it “has long been established that seafood in the area is fed on pig waste.”
>Kim served a 5-year tenure as a member of the WEF’s Global Agenda Council
>Weiner is an employee and advisor to the FDA, is considered a DNA technology expert and pioneered a new DNA transference method called electroporation – a microbiology technique which uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cell membranes through which substances like chemicals, drugs or DNA can be introduced into the cell.







[Ecohealth Alliance, James Taylor and Sergei Pond]

Evolution of SARS-2 CoV according to Sergei Pond. He bitches about GISAID data

Sergei Pond who worked with Taylor, who also didn't like the GISAID data


But shortly after James Taylor's death, Sergei Pond is A-OK with the chink pedigree

Galaxy Project seems important somehow

in particular this bit:

Peter Daszak, president of the Ecohealth alliance, rants on twitter on how the virus is absolutely natural and promotes the Pond paper

Ecohealth Alliance funding was cut in October 2019. They were
>searching for the next Ebola


Authors--Ivet Bahar as PI--the supervisor of Bing Liu, researcher who was murdered in April, 4 weeks after his friend's James Taylor's mysterious death at age 40 who tweeted about lack of transparency in the GISAID genome data


[20 May 2020]
>Ouch! GISAID is "mutating data anthropologically"! If you are privileged enough to use GISAID data be aware that once data is deposited, data can still change over time. SNPs, inserting N-runs, deletions ... all of that has been seen over the last few months.





Origins of Ecohealth Alliance



World Land Trust / Wild Life Trust




[On Anthony Fauci's (and NIH/NIAID) contributions]


Fauci Funded Now-Deleted Wuhan Study Engineering Same Transmission Pathway As SARS-CoV-2


Fauci’s NIAID Scientists Attended Wuhan Lab Summit, Now WIPED From The Internet


Steve Hilton finds stunning SARS-2 connections: ‘Specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is terrifying’
>The idea being to engineer the most contagious deadly viruses in lab conditions “to learn about treatments and vaccines without the calamity of an actual outbreak,” Hilton noted.
>This research was carried out around the world, with Wuhan, China being home to a leading laboratory, funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed up by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

>Hilton shared that the Obama administration put a moratorium on the controversial research.
>“Despite the controversy surrounding this type of research,” he said, “it always had one steadfast champion, a leading figure in the world of infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci. His institute funded that first ferret study. At the time he cowrote an op-ed in the Washington Post describing the research as “a risk worth taking… important information and insight can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.”

>“Shortly before the Obama Administration’s ban on gain of function research in 2014, Dr. Fauci commissioned … a project to assess the risk of new coronaviruses emerging from wild animals like bats — one of the aims was to see what viruses can infect animals and humans,” Hilton said.
>The Fox News host said that while the Obama administration stopped the research, Fauci “continued on by subcontracting it” to the NY based EcoHealth Alliance.

>Sharing what he called a “crucial step that have never been reported,” Hilton noted that EcoHealth Alliance then subcontracted the gain of function piece to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
>Citing a paper detailing a progress report on the study from the head of the Wuhan lab, Hilton pointed to a money trail that led back to Fauci.


[US government/NIH/NIAID obscuring information on their cooperation with CCP]



NIH: We Can’t Release Our Papers about the Wuhan Institute of Virology Because of a Pending Investigation






[Molecular, virological, genomical, biological, evolutionary details on the origins of the virus]


PNAS - Laboratory manipulation or release with the clear intention of causing harm was a possible scenario



SARS-CoV-2: lab-origin hypothesis summary


Anqi Zhang's research was affiliated with Wuhan University and other places


[Li-Meng Yan reports] (taken down from Zenodo thanks to CCP plant Guo]
[Paper I]

>Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Routehttps://archive.org/details/the-yan-report

[Paper II]
>SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud


[On CNN misinfo]



[Paper III]

>The Wuhan Laboratory Origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Validity of the Yan Reports Are Further Proved by the Failure of Two Uninvited "Peer Reviews"



Conflicts of Interest involving the authors of the Nature Paper "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2"


Andersen calling out Daszak on the origin of GISAID data


On Ian Lipkin



[Long thread on the origins and evolution of the RaTG13 natural origins lie]


>Through comparison between reference datasets and the only 2 datasets on NCBI that shares similar anomalies as the SRA data of RaTG13, We have deduced the origin of the Telomere-like sequences in RaTG13 as the result of mixing together PCR products from one virus (Rabies Lyssavirus isolated from Mus Musculus) into PCR products obtained from another (mostly degraded) sample


>RaTG13 paper should be retracted: Major Concerns on the Identification of Bat Coronavirus Strain RaTG13 and Quality of Related Nature Paper


More on RaTG13


Reminder on RaTG13, another one


>RaTG13 also doesn't seem to utilize horseshoe bat ACE2 well despite "being collected" from a horseshoe bat. Authors noted that it utilized human ACE2 even better than horseshoe bat ACE2


>Now it seems that RaTG13 was the ONLY full-length RBM that can't bind to human ACE2


RaTG13 RBD/RBM is broken and doesn’t properly bind ACE2.


K460N and N501D are not found in any bat strains, including Ra strains. Y505H is not found in any other Ra infecting virii. Especially N501D. Experimentally, RaTG13 binds nothing.
>exceedingly well adapted to human ACE2


QTNSPRRA insert is also mentioned in the (retracted) paper by Prashant et al.
speaking of which, this paper
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00129 (by some chinks, attacking the Prashant paper)
needs to be retracted in its turn, as it bases conclusions on RaTG13


[The Pan-SL-CoV/GD sequences may be from contamination.]
>GD sequence was fake. That is why. It was specifically created as a body double of SARs-CoV-2 by transplanting the RBD-S2 into a variant of ZC45. The it is grown in humanized mice and poured into the samples.
>RaTG13 RBD/RBM is broken and doesn’t properly bind ACE2.
>Out of all tested ACE2 using SPR assay, human ACE2 is THE highest binding ACE2.
>More evidence on the pangolin coronavirus fabrication:
>Reported raw sequencing reads that contain pangolin CoV sequences also contain sequences from a common lab vector


>“SL3” the real name behind RaTG13


[RmYN02 partial homology with PRRA insert - figment of chinese imagination]


>alleged pangolin coronavirus is not the Etiological agent of the death of the pangolins being sampled in the studies


Call for the WHO Team to Investigate the "Pangolin Coronaviruses" and the "RmYN02 Bat Coronavirus"
>Here we urge the WHO team to request original samples and other relevant data and information from relevant labs in China and have them analyzed independently by separate research labs in other countries. We also urge the deceptive use of published data by Yongyi Shen and colleagues and the role of Academy of Military Medical Sciences in the publication of the pangolin coronaviruses be thoroughly investigated.


The bat coronavirus RmYN02 is characterized by a 6-nucleotide deletion at the S1/S2 junction, and its claimed PAA insertion is highly doubtful
>Zhou et al. reported the discovery of RmYN02, a strain closely related to SARS-CoV-2, which is claimed to contain a natural PAA amino acid insertion at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein at the same position of the PRRA insertion that has created a polybasic furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2.

>The authors support with their findings the theory that the furin cleavage site insertion present in SARS-CoV-2 is natural. Because no nucleotide alignment with closely related strains of the region coding for the supposed insertion is provided by Zhou et al., we have applied several alignment algorithms to search for the most parsimonious alignments.

>We conclude that RmYN02 does not contain an insertion at the S1/S2 junction when compared to its closest relatives at the nucleotide level, but rather a 6-nucleotide deletion and that the claimed PAA insertion is more likely to be the result of mutations.

>A close examination of RmYN02 sequencing records and assembly methods is wishful. In conclusion, SARS-CoV-2, with its 12-nucleotide insertion at the S1/S2 junction remains unique among its sarbecovirus relatives.


>Jan 30 paper, Shi had "predicted that the cleavage site for generating S1 and S2 subunits is located at R694/S695".
>At that time, SARS-CoV-2 was mostly compared to SARS-CoV-1, ZC45 and ZXC21. No mention of BtCoV/4991 or RaTG13.
(this popped in a thread that questioned RaTG13)




[Thread] In-silico molecular overclocking of RaTG13.
TLDR: 191-nt RdRp segments of SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13 and Ra7896 show an unexpected molecular clock behavior. In-silico synonym mutations is one probable explanation.
>Assuming SARS-CoV-2 is an ancestor of Ra7896 (used in RaTG13) does not fully explain it. Implied evolutionary rate would be in the order of 10^-2 substitutions/site/year in a well-conserved part of the genome, far from a normal ~10^-3 for a complete genome
>So, it is not only SARS-CoV-2 having its molecular clock frozen, but also RaTG13 molecular clock running more than expected.

>WIV ability of faking sequences is not unrestricted. They would never fake aa seqs, due to the protein folding problem. In a few months or years, they would be discovered (https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/11/30/1012712/deepmind-protein-folding-ai-solved-biology-science-drugs-disease/)


>So, in silico, WIV would never make:

- non-synonymous mutations

- splicing within genes


>But they could make:

- synonymous mutations

- swap genes or the complete genome from other real viruses


>Why fabricating RaTG13?: To make it appear more distant than it really is. You probably never heard of that 98.65% identity between SARS-CoV-2 RdRp and Ra4991 RdRp. It was very dangerous! (https://twitter.com/franciscodeasis/status/1370797274905907204)

>But, if you want to make one virus appear more distant to another one without being noticed, you cannot just make orthogonal synonymous mutations, because you can get caught with the phylogenetic trees if you do not do it wisely

>WIV forgot that they would eventually publish 7896 RdRp that could serve as a close outer group for SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13. Imagine Fig. 1 is real/base situation, A is fixed and you want B more distant. Note: A is SARS-CoV-2, B is RaTG13 and O is the outer group (clade 7896)


>If you just add orthogonal synonymous mutations to B, the clock is distorted (Fig 2, A & B not contemporaries). Correct way of faking would have been making a few backward synonymous mutations towards the outgroup (Fig 3), and then a few orthogonal synonym mutations (Fig 4)


>It seems that WIV forgot the backward mutations! I was thinking if it was better to keep this secret until WIV publish their next paper of the clade 7896 to let them commit the error again. But it clearly shows up in any tree. Their problem was not checking it this short segment




SARS-CoV-2 appears to be the only member of it’s entire clade that bind human but not mouse.
>In all 4 RBDs from the SARS-CoV-2 clade and most of the RBDs from the SARS-CoV clade except for SARS-CoV-2 itself, human ACE2 binding coincides with mouse ACE2 binding. This include SARS1, MP789, GX, RaTG13, RsSHC014 and RsWIV1.
>In addition, in all ACE2-using members of SARS-CoV clade, position 498 is aromatic, either a Y or a F.

>SARS-CoV-2 is the only RBD with both binding ridges intact and does not have an Aromatic 498. Changing the Q498 into either a Y or a H resulted in increase in binding affinity to both human, pangolin and bat ACE2, whereas changing Y498 to Q in RaTG13 abolishes binding to both Human and mouse ACE2. All 4 RBDs from the SARS-CoV-2 clade had an aromatic 498, including Rc-o319. All undeleted members of this clade except SARS-CoV-2 bind mouse ACE2. Both MP789 and GX RBD binds human ACE2 at higher affinity than SARS-CoV-2 RBD.

>The change from an aromatic 498(Y,H,F) to an non-aromatic 498 is unlikely due to adaptation from either bat, pangolin or human since an aromatic 498 is the most optimal position 498 residue for all of them (RBMs that had an undeleted receptor binding ridge loop 1).
>In addition, the Q498H in MP789 does not enhance pangolin or bat ACE2 affinity greater than it could enhance human ACE2 affinity, excluding specific adaptation.


>S1–S2 cleavage and the specificity of SGP to ACE2R indicate repeated passages of the SARS-CoV-2 progenitor in host cells expressing ACE2R, such as in humans, pigs, or civets


>Structure and binding properties of Pangolin-CoV spike glycoprotein inform the evolution of SARS-CoV-2: "Pangolin-CoV spike protein..adopts a fully-closed conformation and..aside from the RBD, it resembles the spike of RaTG13 more than that of SARS-CoV-2
>Both pangolin proteins showed strong (<100nM) binding to the human ACE2, approximately ten-fold weaker binding to pangolin ACE2, and very weak binding to bat ACE2.


Possible passaging through humanized immunodeficient mice? Or through Uighurs with AIDS?


>Pathogenicity of two new bat SARS-related coronaviruses to transgenic mice expressing human ACE2


[Study By CEO of Atossa Therapeutics: Concludes that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory]
>Three explanations come to mind from this evidence:
>1. These represent sample preparation artifacts at the WIV, such as sample spillover on the sequencer.
>2. patients were admitted with an unknown infection, were not responding to the treatment protocols for a infection of unknown origin, and they were vaccinated with an experimental vaccine
>3. A clinical trial of a combination influenza/SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was being conducted and an accidental release into Wuhan occurred.
>Only WIV scientists and Chinese authorities can answer these questions. [?] Until the evidence of the adenovirus sequences has been confirmed by other scientists, [?] this author will not include this evidence in the Bayesian analysis.
>If a vaccine containing the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 was being administered to patients in Wuhan in December 2019, lab origin is settled

>page 21, 3rd paragraph.
>If this was a deliberate release, such evidence would be extremely local, limited in distribution, and highly compartmentalized.
>It is beyond the scope of this analysis.


[UPDATE] That Bayesian analysis of origins paper retracts the notes on adenovirus RNA within the early RT-PCR tested chinks in 2019 as those were from contamination, so, original theory of it being just some simple vaccine trial gone wrong does not work out



Nice mini-thread with CCP disinfo timeline included in the end
>Logic and probabilities are inexorable, and there is no escaping the facts: the probability of a lab scenario is closer and closer to 1.

"The genetic structure of SARS‐CoV‐2 does not rule out a laboratory origin"

An experts' suspicions about the origin of the coronavirus: "Did someone put it there?"

A study by the URV indicates "reasonable doubts" about the natural origin of the virus

(Worth reading full for some good reminders on CCP and some western researchers that worked with CCP) CNN Used Lies and Misinformation to Muddle the Water on the Origin of SARS-CoV-2
>CNN’s goal is clear – to ruin Dr. Yan’s reputation and, more importantly, discredit the lab origin theory of SARS-CoV-2.

>As authors of the Yan reports, we found the attack by CNN entirely baseless and full of lies. To expose the disinformation campaign that is being pushed by CNN to deny the lab origin of SARS-CoV-2, we list their lies and mistakes and offer our response correspondingly.


[Moderna's contributions]


(!) This would constitute a direct link between Moderna and WIV, the first one ever to become public

>Issue with viral or mammalian "recombination" for FCS: there wasn't sufficient homology in mammalian sequences on the 3'-end and the 5'-end to pull it off.
>The insert itself, the 12nt sequence version, exist in many mammalian and human sequence.
>However, the recombination "landing pad", CGTAG, found in the Moderna sequence (would be CGψAG which is far more "sticky"), necessary to guide the RdRp to the site of recombination, exist only in the MODERNA patent sequence, one bird sequence (birds are not hosts of Betacoronaviruses) and some bacterial sequences (bacteria can not be infected by Coronaviruses).


>Bala Ambati from Oregon Uni found that there are 19 nucleotides (which correspond to amino acids 685-689 of S protein of SARS2) in the SARS2 FCS that are not present in any other organism, and that are 100% homologous with a moderna patent sequence 11652
>which has the the 19 nucleotides noted above from 2733 to 2751. Moderna filed the patent on this (tumor vaccines) in Feb. 2016. (http://freepatentsonline.com/9587003.html). This patent does briefly mention furin in their patent as a potential proprotein convertase target for their polypeptides.





Current Moderna CEO (as of 2021) was also a CEO of Biomerieux, which helped set up the Wuhan lab




(Moderna's other projects)

>AZD-8601 — Partnered with AstraZeneca , this just started clinical trials last week, and is developed to increase levels of vascular endothelial growth factor-A, for patients with heart failure or post-heart attack.
>mRNA-2416 — OX40L Immunotherapy. OX40 Ligand is a co-stimulatory protein that boosts T cells in their effects against cancer cells.
>mRNA-2905 — Interleukin 12 (IL-12) Immunotherapy. IL-12 actives the immune system. It is in development in partnership with AstraZeneca.
>mRNA AD-8601 — VEGF-A, in conjunction with AstraZeneca, this encodes for vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), which may lead to the creation of more blood vessels to improve blood supply.

Two mRNA products (both developed with AstraZeneca) that improve blood supply & vascular issues, and we have two mRNA products that aid the immune system to profit from complications from the virus and vaccine to it


[Barney Graham's involvement]


These are scans of confidential documents of a Confidentiality Agreement between the U.S. National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Moderna showing they transferred "potential coronavirus vaccine candidates" to the University of North Carolina, on December 12, 2019

It is signed on December 12 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who is listed as the "Recipient" of the mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine candidates.

On behalf of the PROVIDER of the mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates, the same agreement is signed by Barney Graham MD PhD, who is shown as an "Investigator" with the NIAID (National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases) whose signature is not dated, it is also signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at that same University, with the signature dated December 16, 2019.


Also on behalf of the PROVIDER is the electronic stamp signature of Amy F. Petrik, Technology Transfer Specialist, NIAID and that electronic signature bears an electronic time/date stamp showing her approval on 2019.12.12 at 08:05:02 (8:05 AM) and then shows "-0500" which is a reference to how many hours different from GMT time "-0500" minus five hours GMT, which corresponds to the US east coast - North Carolina.


Finally, the document is also signed by Sunny Himansu PhD who is shown as the Moderna Investigator and all of it was approved by Shaun Ryan, who is listed as Moderna's Deputy General Counsel (Lawyer).






2015 - Moderna signs a vaccine development agreement with NIAID and executes it with the lead on the mRNA 1273 lead developer and inventor Guiseppe Ciaramella.

2016 - NIH through Scripps Institute and Dartmouth College file patent application WO 2018081318A1 “Prefusion Coronavirus Spike Proteins and their Use” disclosing mRNA technology that overlaps (and is used in tandem with) Moderna’s technology.



2017 August

Sanofi buys Protein Science Corp with considerable SARS patent holdings

2018 June

Sanofi buys Ablynx with considerable SARS patent holdings


2019 March


funded by Open Philanthropy – the same organization that would be the financial sponsor of the Event 201 “table-top” exercise that laid out the entire “pandemic” plan in October 2019.


Lead Inventor Barney Scott Graham was well known to Moderna as he’s the person at NIH that Moderna “e-mailed” to get the sequence for SARS-CoV-2 according to Moderna’s report here

>In January 2020, once it was discovered that the infection in Wuhan was caused by a novel coronavirus, Bancel quickly emailed Dr. Barney Graham, deputy director of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health, asking him to send the genetic sequence for the virus.



In addition, co-inventor Jason McLellan worked with Graham on a vaccine patent jointly owned with the Chinese government filed in Australia in 2013



[September 13, 2021] Barney Graham steps away from the NIH, looking out toward the world


>Why did you decide to leave the Vaccine Research Center now? 

>Well, my wife [psychiatrist Cynthia Turner-Graham] and I made a 2020 plan in 2015. And we delayed our plan by a little over a year.








[Bill Gates' contributions]


Gates is also heavily invested into Moderna...
...and WIV
[Among the countless listed...]






[Dutch researchers assisting WIV/CCP]

Dutch Virologists who are "experts" in furin cleavage:
Rottier, Fouchier, Bosch, Osterhaus (the man behind the One Health Platform, which was terminated recently presumably due to too an excess of exposure (he and his companion were also behind the Tamiflu scandal during the Swine Flu scam)), Haagmans
from Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam & Utrecht University


Taught people like Huihui Mou & others from WIV


Ecohealth Alliance is a partner of Erasmus Medical Center




Cooperation of Harbour Biodem and Erasmus MC

[2019 July 3]
*Harbour Biomed and #Rotterdam broaden and deepen their relationship * During the #ShanghaiRotterdam40 mission Harbour BioMed and Erasmus MC signed a MoU to advance next-gen immuno-oncology and drug discovery
Access inner link via


>"This research stems to the earlier work of our groups in the field of antibodies against the SARS coronavirus that in 2002/2003," said Berend-Jan Bosch external link, associate professor and research leader at Utrecht University, and co-parachut Study from the Nature Communications. "With the help of this collection of SARS-COV antibodies, we have identified an antibody that neutralizes the infection of SARS-COV-2 in cultivated cells. Such a neutralizing antibody can instruct the course of the infection in the infected host, support the clearance of the virus and a non-infected person exposed to the virus. "

> Bosch has been looking for the past few months with colleagues Frank Grosveld and Bart Haagmans from the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and Ab Osterhaus (Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hanover) and the Harbor Biomed company to an antibody that can stop spreading the coronavirus in someone's body.
> Bosch has been looking for the past few months with colleagues Frank Grosveld and Bart Haagmans from the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and Ab Osterhaus (Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hanover) and the Harbor Biomed company to an antibody that can stop spreading the coronavirus in someone's body.
> Ultimately, the researchers already turned out to be a working antibody from 2018 on the shelf: 47D11, which was developed during a previous investigation in genetically modified mice. Ultimately, the researchers already turned out to be a working antibody from 2018 on the shelf: 47D11, which was developed during a previous investigation in genetically modified mice.


> A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection





[Different scientists speaking out on the likelihood of the unnatural origins of the virus]


European scientist Professor Giuseppe Tritto: SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in China lab


The names on the scientists doubting the "natural origins" of SARS-CoV-2:

Birger Sørensen, Angus Dalgleish

Nikolai Petrovsky, (Geneticist) Dr Ronen Shemesh, (Chemistry and Physics Professor) David Winkler, (Biologist) Alina Chan


A study by the URV indicates "reasonable doubts" about the natural origin of the virus
>Professor Antoni Romeu and Professor Enric Ollé, from the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, point to "an unexplained evolution" and do not rule out the synthetic origin

>"We have seen that SARS-CoV-2 has some optimizations that are difficult to justify evolutionarily , so that the hypothesis that it is a synthetic virus cannot be ruled out and that in itself carries a lot of weight"
>«What we see is that there is something that does not add up or, at least, an evolution that is not explained at the moment. Within some hypervariable regions of the virus there are some that are highly conserved, that are not changed, and that is where we have found the modification”

>«In the sequence of the 'spike glycoprotein' of SARS-CoV-2 there is a small insert four amino acids, which is not in BatCoV-RaTG13 –the pathogen considered as its predecessor, found in 2013–. This small insert is responsible for the high pathogenicity of Covid-19 ». This insertion is known as the 'polybasic furin cleavage site: It is a small region of the protein that interacts with' furin', another membrane protein in human cells (a protease), which it greatly favors infection.'

>"This missing link also casts doubt on whether BatCoV-RaTG13 is the direct progenitor of SARS-CoV-2. As in forensic genetics, which is also applied in In the world of viruses, when a genetic marker fails a DNA test, it is enough to rule out a guilt. Therefore, there is reasonable doubt about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2, which can be a new paradigm for Virology "


Right off the bat, in February of 2020, Dr. Francis Boyle, a bioweapons specialist & the author of the Biological Weapons Act of 1989 discussed his belief that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon leaked from the Wuhan Lab.





[On the involvement of the main suspects - CCP, PLA]


CCP’s military expert CHEN Hu, publicly discussed the CCP’s bioweapon plan in 2016 in a Southeast China Military Watch show on Southeast Cable TV. The CCP has already started bioweapon warfare since long time ago, however, the Western world has been ignoring the fact.




[The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a systematic project implemented step by step planned by the Communist Party of China, and it is also part of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" outline]
[The likely SARS-CoV-2 backbone viruses - ZC45/ZXC21 - were likely brought by Biao He to Chongqing, Changchun or Nanjing for processing, likely Chongqing as the writer of Third Military Medical University from there, a student, mentioned the backbones in his papers]
https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819514 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819596 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819596 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819821 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819872 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819923 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819973 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324834999 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835078 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835298 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835408 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835486 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835553 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324836301 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324836361 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324836536

https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324819457 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324836117 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324834529 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324835700 https://4plebs.org/pol/post/324834614


[One example of CCP military-civil fusion project in UnrestrictedBioweapon.]

[From PLA’s bat CoV ZC45/ZXC21 to COVID19: Ningyi Jin (PLA) - Biao He - Changchun Tu - Zhengli SHI (WIV) - Linfa Wang (WIV & Duke-NUS & fellow of Australian Academy of Technological/Sciences/Engineering)]


[Biao He worked in the group that isolated Zhoushan viruses ZC45 and ZXC21 and works at Ningyi Jin's military veterinary institute with Changchun Tu, who worked with Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Linfa Wang, a key coronavirus scientist.]






[Shan Liu Lu and Lishan Su]



[Lishan Su worked with Shibo Jiang (who worked with Yusen Zhou before the latter died under unknown circumstances and of unknown cause)... in December 5, 2019, on... HIV-1 fusion inhibitor]











[Long thread on the possibility of getting the coof from frozen foods, something that CCP absolutely love to blame their local transmissions on]
>The paper says that out of 400+ surface samples from the frozen fish, 50 had SARS2 genetic material and only 1 sample, after desperate efforts, was able to produce what looked like cytopathic effects (Fig 1). Not isolated virus. Just a picture of cells dying.

>The study sequenced the viruses and found they originated from a European lineage (the virus went from Wuhan to Europe and mutated into this lineage B1.1).

>Guess what. This lineage is basically all over the world right now.



>These Chinese Communist Party-Military scientists are linked regarding the brain and nervous system effects of #COVID19 e.g. the envelope protein, Axl, fusion loops




[Charles Lieber's relation to civilian side of dual-use research for both PLA and USA]



Charles Lieber worked with Moderna co-founder Robert Langer at MIT




U.S. Scientists Continue Their Treachery in Assisting China’s Biowarfare Program Unabated (aka Lieber's workgroup members being related to PLA's biowarfare programs)
>Zheng is an expert in nanotechnologies and, together with Lieber in 2004, began to investigate the use of nanowire field effect transistors to detect single viruses.
>The collaboration between Zheng and Lieber continued even after 2010, when Zheng became a professor at Fudan University, together producing no less than eleven scientific publications on nanowire technologies.

>But the collaboration did not end there. In accordance with China’s practice of “scientific chain migration,” Zheng’s student at Fudan University, An-Qi Zhang, continued the work with Lieber on nano-bioelectronics.
>In 2016, An-Qi Zhang, Geng-feng Zheng and Charles Lieber published a book “Nanowires – Building Blocks for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.”

>China’s People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) biosensor program is based on nanotechnologies, in particular, nanowire field effect transistor biosensors.
>Since 2016, there has been a massive expansion of fused military-civilian research in China after it was mandated by the Chinese Communist Party’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

>A key figure in China’s military-civilian biosensor program is Mao-sheng Yao of Peking University.
>Mao-sheng Yao is an expert in the surveillance and measurement of microorganisms in the environment, who, incidentally, was entirely educated in U.S. universities, receiving a Master’s degree from the University of Alabama, a doctoral degree from Rutgers University and postdoctoral training at Yale University.


>In 2018, during a kick-off seminar entitled “Bioaerosol Detection Technology Strategic Collaboration,” Mao-sheng Yao announced a fused military-civilian research program with the PLA’s National Bio-protection Engineering Center, Institute of Medical Support Technology, Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Sciences in Tianjin, led by Jian-cheng Qi.

>Mao-sheng Yao and Geng-feng Zheng, Charles Lieber’s former student, have conducted collaborative research on nanowire bio-detection, co-authoring a publication in 2018.
>Also in 2018, Jian-cheng Qi’s research group at the PLA’s National Bio-protection Engineering Center in Tianjin published an article entitled “Applications of silicon nanowire FET biosensors to bacterial and viral detection.”

>In December 2019, Mao-sheng Yao was granted a Chinese patent entitled “Method for rapidly detecting pathogenic microorganisms in air and respiratory tract on site.”
>It is important to note that Jian-cheng Qi’s research group at the PLA’s National Bio-protection Engineering Center has operated under Major General Wei Chen, presumed chief of China’s biowarfare program, who took command in Wuhan after the outbreak of COVID-19, a response highlighted in Chinese news reports and no doubt including stolen U.S. technologies. Jian-cheng Qi was part of her team in Wuhan.





[Yunnan Mojiang mine & its viruses]


Short version of the Yunnan mine & RaTG13 story

Long version of the Yunnan mine & RaTG13 story


>The sequence RaTG13 (CoV/4991) is in fact ["]derived["] from a sample originally collected from a mineshaft in Mojiang, Yunnan in July 2013.
>This thesis also confirms that samples from these miners were sent to WIV.


Study identifying #RaTG13 was partially supported by this NIH grant - So US taxpayers' money was used to collect and study bat coronavirus samples from Mojiang mineshaft & NIH has the right to investigate it

>New data on the Tongguan mine (Mojiang, Pu'er, Yunnan) where RaTG13 virus was collected in 2013.
>So, a rudimentary mine from Mao's era with very bad conditions for workers that was abandoned in 1959. But the question remains: what kind of activities were there in 2011 and 2012? And after the last admitted visit of WIV in 2015?



Mojiang reference scrubbed from a similar slide presented by Zhengli Shi last March 2021 (NJMS webinar).


Three theses from Wuhan Institute of Virology which provides new details on Mojiang sampling, 4991 genome, 7896-clade, unpublished CoVs, coronavirus reverse genetics and more
>All theses were supervised by Shi Zhengli
>also Marion Koopmans (associated with groups behind the pandemic, also responsible for mismanagement of Ebola outbreaks since 2014 via her MetaBiota) being caught lying


Most probably from Mojiang mine April - 2013:
>These cell lines:
- Rs kidney cells 4318
- Lung primary cells RsLu4323
- Kidney primary cells RaK4324
Also tissue collected for:
- Ra4331 ACE2 mRNA
- Ra4325 (BtHBV)
- Ra4328 (BtHBV)




[Pandemic/biowarfare/virus scenarios and plannings]

Dark Winter, Event 201, Crimson Contagion, SPARS, Operation Lockstep


The Naval War College Ran a Pandemic War Game in 2019. The Conclusions Were Eerie
>Called Urban Outbreak 2019, the war game involved 50 experts who spent two days coordinating response, containment and messaging efforts around the notional pandemic. Some of the conclusions, such as the way forced mass quarantine can backfire and trigger additional disease spread, and how the mortality rate is better than the overall number of disease cases in assessing the scale of an outbreak -- have been proved out through the response to the novel coronavirus.
>In September 2019, Urban Outbreak brought together 50 experts from five different sectors who averaged 10 years of humanitarian response experience. Over two days they gamed an infectious disease outbreak response in a notional but realistic city with a population of 21 million people. As part of the game, players individually voted for up to five essential organizations to which they needed access in order to complete the activities they deemed essential for success in the response. Histograms of those votes are offered in appendix I & II. The scenario-based aspects of the game that focused specifically on the unique characteristics of urban response in a widespread outbreak are also listed in appendix III


[Responsible parties' chimeric virus construction, GoF and release detailed overviews, bioweapon discussions, biowarfare plans]


[Secret military activity at the WIV]

  • Secrecy and non-disclosure are standard practice for Beijing. For many years the United States has publicly raised concerns about China’s past biological weapons work, which Beijing has neither documented nor demonstrably eliminated, despite its clear obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention.
  • Despite the WIV presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military. The WIV has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.
  • The United States and other donors who funded or collaborated on civilian research at the WIV have a right and obligation to determine whether any of our research funding was diverted to secret Chinese military projects at the WIV.



[PLA's unrestricted warfare textbook from 2015 by General Dezhong Xu on weaponizing SARS-like viruses]





[Let Uncle Ralph Baric educate you]


>Synthetic Viral Genomics:
>Risks and Benefits for Science and Society

>"Alternatively, “No See’m” sites can be used to insert foreign genes into viral, eukaryotic, or microbial genome or vector, simultaneously removing all evidence of the restriction sites that were used in the recombinant DNA manipulation"

>By orientating the restriction sites as “No See’m”, the sites are removed during reassembly, leaving only the desired mutation in the final DNA product.

>The dual properties of strand specificity & a variable end overhang that can be tailored to match any sequence allow for Esp3I sites to be engineered as “universal connectors” that can be joined with any other four nucleotide restriction site overhangs (e.g. EcoRI, PstX1, BamH1)

>Seamless assembly (also called No See’m Sites (85)) cascades have been used to assemble full length cDNAs of the coronaviruses mouse hepatitis virus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus, infectious bronchitis virus and SARS-CoV (Refs: 85,86,87)

>Type IIS restriction endonucleases recognize asymmetric binding sites & leave asymmetric ends
These enzymes can be used to create unique interconnecting junctions, which can be subsequently removed from final assembly product allowing seamless reconstruction of an exact sequence

>With enzymes like Esp3I, interconnecting restriction site junctions can be located at ends of each cDNA & systematically removed during assembly of complete full-length cDNA product

>Consequently, knowledgeable experts can theoretically reconstruct full length synthetic genomes for any of the high priority virus pathogens, although technical concerns may limit the robustness of these approaches.


>Another approach might be to “humanize” zoonotic viruses by inserting mutations into virus attachment proteins or constructing chimeric proteins that regulate virus species specificity (viral attachment proteins bind receptors, mediating virus docking and entry into cells).

>The pathogenicity of these chimeric coronaviruses is unknown

>"Scapegoat option"
>This powerful technique provides bioterrorists with a “scapegoat” option; leaving a sequence signature that misdirects efforts at tracking the true originators of the crime. Even better, the approach could be used to build mistrust &/or precipitate open warfare

>Dual Use

>Uncle Ralph summarises his findings (1)

>Uncle Ralph Concludes (2)
>Hence Ecohealth DARPA/DTRA spooks & virus thieves collaboration with Baric (UNC) Lipkin (Mailman) NIchols (Atlanta CDC) and USAMRIID (Bavari, Totura et al) & Jonathan Epstein's palpable concern about dual use references in the @USRightToKnow FOIA emails

>Related Papers

>All the above about WIV research is taken verbatim from an excellent article




Secret 2003 speech from Defense Minister Chi Haotian to high-level Communist Party Cadres sometime before his retirement in 2003. Details given in Chi’s speech coincide with previously unpublished defector testimony on Sino-Russian military plans


>In history, when a country defeated another country or occupied another country, it could not kill all the people in the conquered land because back then you could not kill people effectively with sabers or long spears, or even with rifles or machine guns. Therefore, it was impossible to gain a stretch of land without keeping the people on that land. However, if we conquered America in this fashion, we would not be able to make many people migrate there.

>Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. This is the only choice left for us. This is not a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. What kind of special means is there available for us to “clean up America”?

>Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost.


>Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.

>From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to “clean up” America and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us.

>Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place.


>>Therefore, we have to give up our expectations about genetic weapons. Of course, from another perspective, the majority of those Chinese living in the United States have become our burden, because they have been corrupted by the bourgeois liberal values for a long time and it would be difficult for them to accept our Party’s leadership. If they survived the war, we would have to launch campaigns in the future to deal with them, to reform them.
>Maybe we can put it this way: death is the engine that moves history forward.

>Of course, a few people under western influence have objected to shooting at prisoners of war and women and children. Is everybody crazy? Some others said, “The Chinese love to label themselves as a peace-loving people, but actually they are the most ruthless people. The comments are resonant of killing and murdering, sending chills to my heart.”

>Although there are not too many people holding this kind of viewpoint and they will not affect the overall situation in any significant way, but we still need to strengthen the propaganda to respond to this kind of argument.





(Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999)

Unrestricted Warfare book

>If we acknowledge that the new principles of war are no longer "using armed force to compel the enemy to submit to one's will," but rather are "using all means, including armed force or nonarmed force, military and non-military, and lethal and non-lethal means to compel the enemy to accept one's interests."


>This represents change. A change in war and a change in the mode of war occasioned by this. So, just what has led to the change? What kind of changes are they? Where are the changes headed?


>How does one face these changes? This is the topic that this book attempts to touch on and shed light on, and it is also our motivation in deciding to write this book.




Notes from Li-Meng Yan et al. report #2







[Weird sequences inside of SARS-CoV-2 genome and overview of their likely action]


HIV-1 insert or an influenza virus insert?

>CTRL+F gyipe aprdg qayvr kdgew vllst flg



[chink study, but something that SARS-CoV-1 does through its nucleocapsid...]
>Although none of the SARS-CoV proteins was found to be directly bound to HAb18G/CD147, the nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-CoV was bound to CyPA, which interacted with HAb18G/CD147
[...SARS-CoV-2 does through spike protein???] CD147-spike protein is a novel route for SARS-CoV-2 infection to host cells
>we first discover an interaction between host cell receptor CD147 and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The loss of CD147 or blocking CD147 in Vero E6 and BEAS-2B cell lines by anti-CD147 antibody, Meplazumab, inhibits SARS-CoV-2 amplification. Expression of human CD147 allows virus entry into non-susceptible BHK-21 cells, which can be neutralized by CD147 extracellular fragment

>[!] Viral loads are detectable in the lungs of human CD147 (hCD147) mice infected with SARS-CoV-2, but not in those of virus-infected wild type mice [!]

>Interestingly, virions are observed in lymphocytes of lung tissue from a COVID-19 patient

>Furthermore, CD147 mediates virus entering host cells by endocytosis

[Also, CyPA is involved in SARS-CoV-2 indeed]
>Alisporivir, which is a non-immunosuppressive CyPA inhibitor, was reported to reduce SARS-CoV-2 RNA production in vitro
[bonus confirmation on N protein in SARS-CoV-1 and S protein in SARS-CoV-2]
>blocking CD147 on host cells shows inhibition on SARS-CoV-2 and that CD147 has a critical role in promoting the infection of host cells by the virus. Surface plasmon resonance by using Biacore analysis confirmed the interaction between CD147 and S protein (SP) [17]. In earlier studies, mediated through CyPA bound to N protein of SARS-CoV, CD147 plays a role in facilitating infection of host cells by SARS-CoV
[And also]
>One key feature of SARS-CoV-2 is the presence of an enigmatic insertion in the spike glycoprotein gene representing a novel multibasic S1/S2 protease cleavage site
In early 2020 Indian researchers found that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein aligned with HIV-1 Gag very well

>Gag Proteins
>The cleavage of the Gag precursor protein (p55) by viral protease (PR) during the process of viral maturation results in three principal proteins: matrix (MA/p17), capsid (CA/p24), and nucleocapsid (NC/p7).

>The CA (p24) protein sequentially follows MA in the p55 precursor protein. In the mature virion, CA forms the shell of the core, which is occasionally tubular but most often conical, a feature that distinguishes lentiviruses such as HIV-1 from most other retroviruses. It also has crucial roles in particle assembly by binding the cellular cyclophilins in steps following HIV entry into a new target cell.
>majority of the p24 capsid protein (> 90%) is associated with HIV-1 particles

>Viral incorporation of cyclophilin A (CyPA) during the assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) is crucial for efficient viral replication. CyPA binds to the previously identified Gly-Pro90 site of the capsid protein p24

[Just a coincidence bro?]
False positive on p24 antigen test
>Cross-reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 with HIV chemiluminescent assay leading to false-positive results

[Less relevant, but worth mentioning]
HIV-1 protease cleaves Gag

[old USA study, with some Slav names] CD147 facilitates HIV-1 infection by interacting with virus-associated cyclophilin A (CyPA)
>a small portion of viral CyPA is accessible for protease cleavage and thus should extend outside of the viral membrane


>Humans proteins interacting with the 5’ of SARS-CoV-2 RNA, mimicking the HIV pathways:
HIV use it to promote RNA Pol II activation and allowing the transcription of viral genes
- TRIM32
Bind to the activation domain of HIV-1 Tat and HIV-2 & EIAV Tat proteins.
his link


Structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 and 1 prediction of the human interactome
> some of the proteins, including CCNT1, DDX1, ZNF175 for fragment 1 and TRIM32 214 for fragment 2, are reported to be necessary for HIV functions and replications inside the cells. 215 More specifically, in the case of HIV infection, CCNT1 binds to the transactivation domain of the 216 viral nuclear transcriptional activator, Tat, increasing Tat's affinity for the transactivation response 217 RNA element; by doing so, it becomes an essential cofactor for Tat, promoting RNA Pol II 218 activation and allowing transcription of viral genes 37,38. DDX1 is required for HIV-1 Rev function 219 as well as for HIV-1 and coronavirus IBV replication and it binds to the RRE sequence of HIV-1 220 RNAs 39,40. ZNF175 is reported to interfere with HIV-1 replication by suppressing Tat-induced viral 221 LTR promoter activity 41. Finally, TRIM32 is a well-defined Tat binding protein and, more 222 specifically, it binds to the activation domain of HIV-1 Tat and can also interact with the HIV-2 and 223 EIAV Tat proteins in vivo



Identification of NPC1 as a novel SARS-CoV-2 intracellular target
>Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) receptor is an endosomal membrane protein that regulates intracellular cholesterol trafficking, which is crucial in the Ebola virus (EBOV) cycle. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) enters the cell by binding of the viral spike (S) protein to the ACE2 receptor. This requires S-protein processing either by the surface transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 for plasma membrane fusion or cathepsin L for endosomal entry. Additional host factors are required for viral fusion at endosomes.

>A similar process has been described for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope trimer


Sharing CD4+ T Cell Loss: When SARS-2 and HIV Collide on Immune System
>Both HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 infection share CD4+ T cell loss in association with disease outcome and immunodeficiency
>Direct attacks on CD4+ T cells, immune activation and redistribution of CD4+ T cell are contributing mechanisms in very different proportion for CD4+ T cell lymphopenia in both diseases

>When HIV meets COVID-19, no increase in the occurrence of COVID-19 and no excess morbidity and mortality among PLWH with symptomatic COVID-19 has been reported
>IL-7 and IL-2 were previously used to increase CD4+ T cell counts in HIV-1 infection, however, no improvement in their function were reported


>The list of reported autoimmune diseases in HIV/AIDS include systemic lupus erythematosus, anti-phospholipid syndrome, vasculitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, polymyosits, Graves’ disease, and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Also, there is an array of autoantibodies reported in HIV/AIDS patients which include anti-cardiolipin, anti-β2 GPI, anti-DNA, anti-small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP), anti-thyroglobulin, anti-thyroid peroxidase, anti-myosin, and anti-erythropoietin antibodies. The association of autoantibodies in HIV-infected patients to clinical autoimmune disease is yet to be established

In SARS-2:


>systemic lupus erythematosus
>anti-phospholipid syndrome
>Graves’ disease
>Lastly, two cases of COVID-19-related Graves’ disease were documented by Mateu-Salat et al. [46]: one with a previous history of Graves’ disease in remission for more than 30 years, and another with no history of thyroid disease. Thus, COVID-19 could be a trigger for new cases or relapses of Graves’ disease
>idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura





[CCP already had the "UK strain" mutation in their lab(s) long before, - an update of the OG SARS-CoV-2 with deliberate enhancing of host selection site that was mapped from SARS-CoV-1]



The protein adaptation at position 501, featured in the current mutation outbreak in the UK and South Africa is not an original feature of SARS-2, but SARS-1. The SARS-2 501 sequence aligns with the 487 sequence of OG SARS.
>Second, residue 501 in 2019-nCoV RBD (corresponding to residue 487 in SARS-CoV) is an asparagine
>Alarmingly, our data predict that a single N501T mutation (corresponding to the S487T mutation in SARS-CoV) may significantly enhance the binding affinity between 2019-nCoV RBD and human ACE2.
>Thus, 2019-nCoV evolution in patients should be closely monitored for the emergence of novel mutations at the 501 position (to a lesser extent, also the 494 position).
This factor of SARS 1 originality is also confirmed to an extent by the mutation reference on github:
>Note any pre-2020 Chinese sequences are from SARS-like viruses in bats (not SARS-CoV-2).
>China: first_seq 2013-07-24 num_seqs 2 last_seq 2019-06-25

The chinks deliberately modified the 501 protein and made the 501Y strain, precursor to the current mutant outbreak strain.
However the original 501Y had a distinct mutation: nucleotide mutation A23063T. Which they fully admit to creating here:

(UK strain, the Brazil strain and the South Africa strains all share a common ancestor, and that ancestor is a chink lab)
>To generate a SARS-CoV-2 mouse-adapted strain, the human clinical isolate of SARS-CoV-2 (BetaCov/human/CHN/Beijing_IME-BJ05/2020, abbreviated as IME-BJ05) was serially passaged by means of intranasal inoculation in aged mice (Fig. 1A), as previously described for SARS-CoV


>To decipher the underlying mechanism for the increased virulence of MASCp6, the complete genome of MASCp6 was subjected to deep sequencing with an Ion Torrent S5Plus sequencer.
>The A23063T mutation resulted in a N501Y amino acid substitution in the RBD of the S protein, which is assumed to be responsible for receptor recognition and host range of SARS-CoV-2
And this mutation remains intact and detectable in modern S:N501Y
>Amino-acid changes are N501Y (nucleotide mutation A23063T), N501T (nucleotide mutation A23064C), and N501S (nucleotide mutation A23064G)






[Also, Pfizer reproducing N501Y the same way the CCP did]
>This work was partially supported by the NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS) contract HHSN272201400008C.
>by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (HR0011-19-2-0020),
>by supplements to NIAID grant U19AI135972 and DoD grant W81XWH-20-1-0270,
>by NCI grant U54CA260560,
>by a Mercatus Center Fast Grant,
>by the generous support of JPB Foundation,
>the Open Philanthropy Project (research grant 2020-215611 (5384);
>by anonymous donors to A.G.-S.
>Funding for this study was provided through grants from the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) Transition Funds
>The A.G.-S. laboratory has received research support from Pfizer, Senhwa Biosciences, Kenall Manufacturing, Avimex, Johnson & Johnson, Dynavax, 7Hills Pharma, ImmunityBio and Nanocomposix.
>The F.K. laboratory has received research support from GSK, Dynavax and Pfizer. F.K. has in the past received consulting fees from Curevac, Merck, Pfizer and Seqirus.
>A provisional patent application on a “A novel 4 Amino Acid Insertion into the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2“ was submitted by KSU in July 2020 with C.D.M., D.A.M and J.A.R listed as inventors.



Why? To spread it whenever needed, and profit from the resulting vaccine-resistant-strain misery, or push political changes.

452R under growing selection, even in the US:
484K under growing selection, even in the US:


[CCP had a study detecting the mutations the California strain is possessing now, specifically L452R, sent it back in 8 June 2020]

The Impact of Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 Spike on Viral Infectivity and Antigenicity
>•Over 100 mutations were selected for analyses on their infectivity and antigenicity
>•The dominant D614G itself and combined with other mutations are more infectious
>•Ablation of both N331 and N343 glycosylation at RBD drastically reduced infectivity
>•Ten mutations such as N234Q, L452R, A475V, and V483A was markedly resistant to some mAbs

>Division of HIV/AIDS and Sex-Transmitted Virus Vaccines, Institute for Biological Product Control, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) and WHO Collaborating Center for Standardization and Evaluation of Biologicals, No. 31 Huatuo Street, Daxing District, Beijing 102629, China
>Graduate School of Peking Union Medical College, No. 9 Dongdan Santiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100730, China
>Center for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, Comprehensive AIDS Research Center, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structural Biology, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
>Centre for Vaccine Evaluation, Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate, HPFB, Health Canada and WHO Collaborating Center for Standardization and Evaluation of Biologicals, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9, Canada

and the Californian strain itself was reported to be
>Using a previously reported algorithm to assess divergence time dating (Drummond et al., 2012), we estimated that the most recent common ancestor emerged on May 20, 2020 (95% highest posterior density [HPD] interval: April 29 -June 9)

And of course the L452R is present in B.1.617 (B.1.617.2 - Delta - first genome in (((GISAID))) dates to 5 Oct 2020).






[Yusen Zhou's (died in-between 2 May and 30 July 2020) research is related to the SARS-CoV-2 variants, among other things]
On May 2, 2020, as a co-corresponding author, Zhou uploaded a preprint, Rapid adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in BALB/c mice: Novel mouse model for vaccine efficacy, on bioRxiv. And on July 30, Science Magazine published Adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in BALB/c mice for testing vaccine efficacy, listing Zhou as a “Deceased” co-corresponding author.
>According to Lude Media, Zhou had a close tie with the defector who is “the second person from China to provide information about Chinese biological research with potential weapons applications”. Resources say many people related to this defector have been secretly arrested by the CCP. Besides, insiders told Lude, friends on WeChat found his wife, who works in the same area, appeared unusually silent and calm after his death.


[Did Fauci’s NIH Institute Financially Assist China’s Military?]
>U.S. patent number 8933106 entitled “2-(4-substituted phenylamino) polysubstituted pyridine compounds as inhibitors of non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase, preparation methods and uses thereof” is assigned to the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of China’s People’s Liberation Army.
>One of the inventors of that patent, Shibo Jiang, is a graduate of the First and Fourth Medical University of the People’s Liberation Army, Xi’an, China.
>Since 2004, Shibo Jiang has had scientific collaboration with Yusen Zhou, who was a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.
>It is unclear whether Yusen Zhou also received his education at one of China’s military medical universities, but his early scientific work was associated with the Department of Infectious Disease, 81st Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army, Nanjing Military Command and the Fourth Medical University of People’s Liberation Army, Xi’an, Shibo Jiang’s alma mater.
>Shibo Jiang and Yusen Zhou are listed as co-inventors on at least eight U.S. patents, the references supporting those patents, for example, 9889194, was research funded by NIAID.






The highest PCR positive rate sit right next to the BSL4 facility of the WIV. Most ancestral strain absent in the market.



Clear evidence the initial spread of SARS-2 in Wuhan had a much higher amplitude than originally thought and was never widespread geographically in China indicating it was not spreading asymptomatically prior to the outbreak.

Humans are the top species in which SARS-CoV-2 is both efficiently translated as well as optimally interacting with ACE2
>A great paper showing pre-adaption of SARS-CoV-2 to an extent never seen before for a zoonosis. But of course this is exactly what to expect in a humanized mouse passage experiment.



>It is most likely that China was conducting, within the framework of a biological warfare program, parallel development of a unique genetically-engineered CoV pathogen and a vaccine to treat it
>Note, NO vaccine is developed successfully in CCP’s history!


Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers were hospitalised with symptoms consistent with Covid in what US officials suspect may have been the first cluster.
The US is also examining whether the WIV developed SARS-COV-2 while working on a vaccine.

”Most of highly ambitious scientists representing US had been research collaborators with China/WIV (e.g. Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak) or public supporters of CCP’s theory- COVID-19 virus originated in nature, not in a lab (e.g. Stanley Perlman, Linda Saif)”

According to China’s own data, the original hot spot for #COVID19 infections occurred in a residential area in the four miles between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Biological Preparations Institute.





>28 Feb 2021
>In 2015 Ralph Baric's study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, & the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.


>29 Jan 2020

>15 Feb 2021






Possible clues on the civilian side of WIV's dual-use research of SARS-CoV-2
>Ok, here goes nothing. Remember this little thing called a furin cleavage site? You know, the one that made SARS2 into a real promiscuous little virus? Well, as some have pointed out before, the strategy of inserting a furin cleavage site was not only investigated by coronavirologists previously as a tool to expand virus tropism, but also by other virologists as a tool to actually ATTENUATE a virus. In other words, a vaccine strategy.
>Getting goosebumps yet? I am.

>So how could this be a vaccine strategy? Well, the idea, as I understand it, was to take a virus, insert some FCSs into it in key places, but do so in a cell culture that do NOT normally have furin, and thus the virus won’t get cut in such cells. But then if you infect an animal with such virus, it will get into the cells, trigger an immune reaction which will produce antibodies, but the virus won’t be able to effectively replicate because the newly created virus proteins will get diced up by furin that is well present in animal cells.
>Sounds great on paper, doesn’t it?

>So what’s a good place to insert a new FCS in a coronavirus that won’t affect it too much? I mean, you need the virus to remain viable in culture and infective enough to get into cells. So, any obvious candidate spots?

>Oh, oh, I know! Why not insert it in the Spike, at the spot where other CoVs have one natively, but none of the SARS-like CoVs do? They must not have one for a reason, right? It probably makes them non-viable or something – there’s gotta be evolutionary pressure against it.

>Oh, oh, you know what else we can do to make our vaccine safer? It seems that if we have a polybasic cleavage site like RxRR, then furin normally cuts after RR. So And that is where other proteases normally cleave the S1/S2 junction, even without a FCS after the R already present at the junction. But what if we insert not RxRR, but RRxR? Would that maybe change the cleavage direction, leaving S2 with a little xRR overhang and thus interfering with its membrane fusion and attenuating it further? Worth a try.

>2013 Chinese paper whose authors have done so – they inserted RIRR into their construct.
>there’s CGG coding for the first R. Where did I see it before? Hmm Oh right, in SARS2 where RRAR is coded by CGG CGG GCA CGT.


>one of the authors of that paper, Shibo Jiang, has subsequently co-authored a paper in 2015 with Shi Zhengli and Ralph Baric on – guess what – the role of FCS in the tropism of CoVs



All photos on WIV available

Thread on the globohomo-tier Global Virome Project (GVP) and China Virome Project (CVP)





Baric's Drug Cabinet
>SARS-CoV-2 infection is effectively treated and prevented by EIDD-2801
>Note use of bat coronaviruses and humanised lung transplant mice
>Baric's claim that lung-transplanted mice support the hypothesis of COVID direct transfer from bat to humans is overreaching and unsupported by the data
>This human lung implant work may also have been carried out at WIV.
>We know that several mink variants and B.1.1.7 are well adapted to murine ACE2.
>This may imply reversion of sars-cov-2 to a murine adapted progenitor.




China testing blunders stemmed from secret deals with firms
>The flawed testing system prevented scientists and officials from seeing how fast the virus was spreading — another way China fumbled its early response to the virus.

>China’s CDC gave test kit designs and distribution rights exclusively to three then-obscure Shanghai companies with which officials had personal ties, the reporting found. The deals took place within a culture of backdoor connections that quietly flourished in an underfunded public health system, according to the investigation, which was based on interviews with more than 40 doctors, CDC employees, health experts, and industry insiders, as well as hundreds of internal documents, contracts, messages and emails obtained by the AP

>The Shanghai companies — GeneoDx Biotech, Huirui Biotechnology, and BioGerm Medical Technology -- paid the China CDC for the information and the distribution rights, according to two sources with knowledge of the transaction who asked to remain anonymous to avoid retribution. The price: One million RMB ($146,600) each, the sources said. It’s unclear whether the money went to specific individuals

>CDC and its parent agency, the National Health Commission, tried to prevent other scientists and organizations from testing for the virus with their own homemade kits.
>These measures contributed to not a single new case being reported by Chinese authorities between Jan. 5 and 17, even though retrospective infection data shows that hundreds were infected. [Aside from CCP deciding to simply not report them]
>[stuff on chink tests giving out false negatives most of the time]
>China’s foreign ministry and China’s top medical agency, the National Health Commission, did not respond to requests for comment.
>“We did a brilliant job, we worked so hard,” said Gao Fu, the head of China CDC, in a videoconference in July. “Unluckily, unfortunately, this virus we are facing, it’s so special”


Thread on Chinese CDC
Includes stuff like them mentioning commercial test kits before releasing the virus genome

>"China CDC staff were invited to join a BioGerm group on WeChat, a Chinese messaging application, which CEO Zhao later used to sell coronavirus test kits, according to a CDC employee"
>The Faulty Test Kits which showed extremely high false negative results, thus condemning countless Chinese to death at the beginning of the outbreak, were endorsed by the State and the CDC.
>"The same pandemic that killed people brought the Shanghai test kit companies and related scientists fame and fortune"
>Li Xioadan, The Lab Director of one of the 3 Chosen Testing Kit Companies, Shanghai Biogerm with Professor Zhang Yong Zhen from the Institute of Infectious Diseases.
>A former lab technician in CCDC's National Influenza Center was a key member of Shanghai Biogerm.
>She got scared because media reported on her ties with Professor Zhong Yong Zhen and the CCDC, fleeing Shanghai to work in Beijing.

>Shanghai Biogerm is of course one of the "white gloves" of the SHPHC BSL-3 lab and Shanghai CDC.
>Contracts & Fat Payments have been traced back to 2012
>SHPHC = Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University

>1. Yong-Zhen Zhang's team submitted the genome to Genbank on 5th Jan 2020, setting an embargo date for July 2020
>2. They had no intention to release it in the first place as their only purpose was to get an accession number for Nature submission.
>Yong-Zhen Zhang released the the genome only AFTER he finished negotiating a secret validation which secured exclusive rights for three Shanghai testing kit companies.
>It turns out that every CCDC author listed as authors of the first SARS-COV-2 genomes submitted to GISAID ON 12th January, has a company to profit from the pandemic.



USA gain of function and dual use research official policy timeline


National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) were responsible for gain of function research policy clarifications used in 2007






[2014 July] - US biosecurity committee staff/panelist update (related to "need" dual use definition changes)





(mentioned tweet archived at https://archive.is/oQLHC )


[Side-note bonus]

>Carrie Wolinetz is NIH head of dual use policy
>Wolinetz is part of the small group directly responsible for the systematic thwarting of Congressional, Presidential, and Departmental policies and guidance on biosafety, biosecurity, and risk-benefit assessment over the last decade
>worked with Angela Rasmussen btw


[2014 October] the White House announced a pause on federally funded GOF research, which involves studies that enhance the pathogenicity, transmissibility, or host range of a pathogen to better understand it. The White House also asked the National Institutes of Health's National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) to come up with recommendations to help federal officials weigh funding decisions.



[2015] A fight broke out over whether chimeric viruses were considered GOF
>"The NIH eventually concluded that the work was not so risky as to fall under the moratorium"
>False. NIH made no assessment of risks of the project.
>The NIH Director obtained "An exception from the research pause may be obtained if the head of the USG funding agency determines that the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security."
>"The NIH director can approve exemptions for research urgently needed to protect public health"
>"[N]o requests for an exemption have been denied.


[2016 January] NSABB launches new phase of GOF research debate





[2017 December 19] the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that they would resume funding gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus





A quick timeline summary of Ra4991, not including ZC45/ZXC21:

>2012-2013, Ra4991 found in Yunnan mine; ~96% sequence identity to SARS-CoV-2, aka Corona-Chan; most divergent at the spike/RBD
>2015, Ra4991 gene fragment uploaded to GenBank by WIV
>2016, Ra4991 acknowledged by Shi, Zhang and co. in Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft
>2016, China is using Ra4991/RaTG13 in experiments according to the US, and they continued on throughout the years
>2017, AcCoV-JC34 is found by Shi, Zhang and co. in Detection of alpha- and betacoronaviruses in rodents from Yunnan, China, which would be nothing of note outside of the fact it has a "RRAR" furin cleavage motif at the S1/S2 juntion. "RRAR" furin cleavage motif at the S1/S2 junction is found in only one other virus, SARS-CoV-2, aka Corona-Chan
>2017, AcCoV-JC34 genome is uploaded to GenBank by WIV
>2019, SARS-CoV-2 comes out of thin air
>2020, SARS-CoV-2 is mentioned in A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China, suspiciously not by Shi, Zhang and co. at WIV
>2020, SARS-CoV-2 genome is uploaded to GenBank by Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & School of Public Health (why not WIV?)
>2020, RaTG13 is mentioned in A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin by Shi and co. at WIV
>2020, RaTG13 genome is uploaded to GenBank by WIV




Pre-outbreak, outbreak and ~post-outbreak timeline of relevant and potentially relevant events


Shi Zheng-li was one of the co-authors on 2010 paper on live attenuated Swine Flu vaccine





JANUARY 9, 2017 

"Obama" approving gain of function right before Trump gets into office.


January 11, 2017 - Fauci states that there is no doubt Trump will face a surprise infectious disease outbreak



October 1-3, 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci headlined a conference with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology bat researcher Shi Zhengli




January 2018 - Fauci announces the lifting of the pause on gain-of-function funding at NIAID Advisory Council meeting, January 2018


In 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) initiated a "Special Project" to develop - among other things - new vaccines based on Shi Zhengli's bat coronavirus research.


The 8th International Symposium on Emerging Viral Diseases, held in Wuhan from October 20 to 22, 2018
>Dr. Ralph Baric of the WIV, a collaborator and gain-of-function advocate, gave attendees advice on how to “make a profit” in the next pandemic.
>Wuhan lab’s researchers immediately started brainstorming ways of making money from a pandemic. Baric shows a slide titled “Global Catastrophe: Opportunities Exist” during his 2018 conference “Imagining the Next Flu Pandemic – and Preventing it!” He uses the graphics to extrapolate investment assistance on how to “make money in the next pandemic” by showing which stocks and industries soared during the Ebola crisis.
>Before pointing out that “there are real mutual funds for outbreak preparedness Baric adds that the abovementioned sectors and firms would “probably do very well.”
>According to Baric, pandemics are periods of fortune, amid times of societal instability, there is a potential for people to achieve political, financial, and personal gain, and this will almost certainly happen.



H.R.3771 - Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health Act of 2019

>Introduced in House (07/16/2019)

>To establish an interagency One Health Program, and for other purposes.






>September 2019
>"Progress Indicators" by Sep 2020
>The UN (including WHO) conducts at least 2 system-wide training & simulation exercises, including 1 for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen
>"A World at Risk"
>1 for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen



>On the 12th Sep 2019, the main database of samples and viral sequences of the Wuhan Institute of Virology went offline



Both on September 18th 2019
>Revisiting the Wuhan CDC September 18 2019 Emergency Reagents and Consumables Procurement WHCDC2019018..
>A bunch of (diarrhea causing) pathogen detection kits

>40,500 swab kits under line item 48 - they were getting ready for a lot of hospital patients

>Reagent purchase in report 3 here. Page 34 to 35:

Wuhan Customs in Tianhe Airport held an emergency response exercise to detect cases specifically for novel coronavirus infection.
>September 18, 2019 Wuhan Tianhe Airport coronavirus emergency response drill...
>Wuhan Customs in Tianhe Airport held an emergency response exercise to detect cases specifically for novel coronavirus infection.


>PREDICT was an epidemiological research program funded by a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant. Launched in 2009, the program was described as an early warning pandemic system.
>Partners - EcoHealth Alliance
>Fieldwork ceased at the end of September 2019 after funding ran out



On October. 21 2019, well before the first infection acknowledged by the Chinese government, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's parliament, received its first report detailing the draft biosecurity law.
>Former Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng was in charge of the report. He cited eight points as priority areas, and they are worth looking at because they give the impression that China had all but predicted the viral outbreak. The points are:
1) The prevention and control of major emerging infectious diseases, animal and plant epidemics.
2) Research, development and application of biotechnology.
3) Ensuring biosecurity in laboratories.
4) Ensuring the security of China's biological resources and human genetic resources.
5) Preventing the invasion of alien species and protect biodiversity.
6) Dealing with microbial drug resistance.
7) Preventing bioterrorism attacks.
8) Defending against the threat of biological weapons.
>The carefully curated draft law is watertight, but the measures were not introduced in time for China to prevent the Wuhan outbreak. Instead, information was initially covered up and China's first steps were delayed.
>Among Gao's eight points, ensuring biosecurity in laboratories is particularly eye-catching in light of Trump's remarks.
>In one episode that illustrates the importance China has attached to the establishment of these related laws, an exam held at Chinese high schools at the end of 2019 included a question about biotechnology.


The above seems like it has uncluded preemptive preparation for the outbreak response among highest-level CCP health authorities that had the foreknowledge on how to test for SARS-CoV-2

(!!!) Smoking Chinese Anomalies!
>Comparing the influenza diagnosis & treatment plan by China NHC on 13 Nov 2019 with the 2018 plan.
>Medical staff training manuals for influenza were also issued & included similar changes between 2019 & 2018
>if there was foreknowledge of severe flu in Oct/Nov 2019 based on comparison between 2018 & 2019 influenza diagnosis & treatment plans published by NHC

>3 people would have known about it:
>Ma Xiaowei (minister of China's National Health Commission), Wang Hensheng (vice-minister of China's National Health Commission), George Gao (head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)


Acute necrotizing encephalopathy, CT and MRI scans
>The 2018 version says that acute necrotizing encephalopathy may develop in children as a result of inflammatory responses. The 2019 version removed references to it affecting children specifically and later says that it is more common in children.
>The 2019 version includes a section saying that CT or MRI scans of acute necrotizing encephalopathy patients show symmetrical, multifocal brain injury, including bilateral thalamus, white matter around the ventricle, internal capsule, putamen, upper brainstem (fourth ventricle, ventral side of the midbrain waterpipe) and medulla.

>The 2019 plan advises against isolating virus specimens from patients who do not test positive for influenza. The 2018 plan had encouraged it. This may have resulted in fewer COVID-19 cases being recorded.

>The 2018 version says that the influenza virus should be isolated from from respiratory specimens. It says that during the influenza epidemic season, virus isolation is recommended for patients with negative antigen diagnosis and immunofluorescence tests for influenza-like cases.
>The 2019 version removes this recommendation. It says that isolation of the influenza virus from respiratory specimens is the gold standard for influenza diagnosis, but due to the long virus culture period and high biosecurity requirements, it is not recommended for clinical diagnosis and treatment.


>The 2018 version says that testing results should be considered in conjunction with the patient's epidemiological history and clinical symptoms.
>The 2019 version says that a negative viral antigen test cannot rule out influenza. It also says that for critically ill patients, the detection of lower respiratory tract (sputum or tracheal extract) specimens is more accurate. It says that the sensitivity of IgM antibody detection is low, and it is not recommended for routine use. It also says that clinically diagnosed cases may have an epidemiological history of close contact with patients with suspected or confirmed influenza without effective personal protection, or one of the clusters of influenza-like cases within the 7 days before the onset of the disease.



New study traces back the SARS-CoV-2 progenitor genomes causing SARS-2 and geospatial spread
>[...] "This timeline puts the presence of proCoV2 in late October 2019" [...]
>coronavirus is mutating at a rate of 25 mutations per genome per year.
>Sudhir Kumar, director of the Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine, Temple University: "We set out to find the genetic common ancestor of all these infections, which we call the progenitor genome."
>This progenitor genome (proCoV2) is the mother of all SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses that has infected and continue to infect people today.
>In the absence of patient zero, "We reconstructed the genome of the progenitor and its early pedigree by using a big dataset of coronavirus genomes obtained from infected individuals since December 2019," said Kumar, the lead author of a new study, appearing in advanced online edition of the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.
>They found that the progenitor gave rise to a family of coronavirus strains, whose members included the strains found in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. "In essence, the events in December in Wuhan, China, represented the first superspreader event of a virus that had all the tools necessary to cause a worldwide pandemic right out of the box." said Kumar.
>Kumar's group estimates that the SARS-CoV-2 progenitor was already circulating with an earlier timeline--at least 6 to 8 weeks prior to the first genome sequenced in China, known as Wuhan-1. This timeline puts the presence of proCoV2 in late October 2019, which is consistent with the report of a fragment of spike protein identical to Wuhan?1 in early December in Italy, among other evidence
Original link


>The National Natural Science Foundation of China provided zero funding for the research on the origin and intermediate host of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, while the funding for research on the origin and intermediate host of the SARS-1 virus was nearly 2 million.
>Possible evidence of retardation, incompetence AND malice? In one go?
>Assuming a leak scenario, they would want to know what exactly has leaked and how it could look like after leak, but, instead, here we are


>If the Wuhan Institute of Virology completed this [remdesivir] paper in 2 months, then the time for the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain would be before November 21, 2019, instead of the officially announced January 5, 2020


Remember that Baric has extensively experimented with remdesivir on coronaviruses before 2020
(2017 article still names remdesivir as GS-5734)
(The latest 2019 one only mentioned remdesivir as one of the nucleoside analogues to the antiviral the study was about, but that's still partially relevant)
Also a rundown-reminder on remdesivir, if you need one







More on Wuhan-Hu-1 sending timelines
>Both the http://Virological.org release and the GISAID release were preceded by negotiations.
>1. In the http://virological.org release, Eddie Holmes negotiated with Professor Zhang Yongzhen
>2. In the GISAID case, GISAID negotiated with China CDC.
>This is not the plausible methodology for emerging outbreaks as this pandemic proved to us time is of the essence during the early response.
>Negotiations allow backdoor agendas and quid-pro-quo and covering of tracks

>GISAID later went on a narrative manipulation campaign using its strong position to help IVDC to 'reclaim' the first 'public release' trophy.
>So they forward logged the GISAID actual public release time!

>As for the talk about possible funding loss for poor "rectified" Professor Zhang, how much more funding can this 'first release' generate in the future?
>He had a top PR company help his image in 2020, so we no need to worry too much about his funding..
>Eddie and Zhang go back a long long way - Seven years of collaboration





[Following the money/funding]


Redpills on who funds the World Health Organisation

Money trails


Rothschild Holdings for Moderna, Pfizer, J&J






>People's Liberation Army veterinarians openly making a human influenza virus more dangerous by laboratory manipulation (serial passage). The Military Veterinary Research Institute, Changchun and linked research centers appear to be core elements of the CCP's biowarfare program.




Center for Food Safety Sues NIH Over Unlawfully Keeping Secret Federal Funding of Research Creating New More Virulent Pandemic Viruses
>Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). CFS is suing the agency over its failure to release government documents related to the approval and issuance of NIH contracts and grants that fund research projects involving controversial gain of function/gain of threat studies with dangerous, so-called "enhanced potential pandemic pathogens."

>"The NIH's refusal to make public the research it is funding to enhance the transmissibility, infectiousness, and lethality of potential pandemic viruses is grossly irresponsible," said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of Center for Food Safety. "We are litigating to get that information because transparency and public knowledge about these highly hazardous experiments could be an important step in avoiding the next pandemic."

>An enhanced, "laboratory-generated" potential pandemic pathogen results from the enhancement of a potential pandemic pathogen's transmissibility or virulence in humans. Gain of function/gain of threat studies, or research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease, is a subset of life sciences research that most commonly involves the creation or use of enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.

>CFS's lawsuit focuses on the agency's withholding of records concerning NIH's funding of proposed research that could create, transfer, or use enhanced potential pandemic pathogens for which additional review under HHS' Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (HHS P3CO Framework) is required.




GISAID Submission date dispute

A summary on the messy isolate submission timeline


[Optional for reading] Details/sources on the summary 

>GISAID initiated a post announced China CDC (CNIC/IVDC) was actually the first one to release the 2019ncov(later as SARS-COV-2) full genomes(carefully validated) with metadata of samples TO PUBLIC, hours before Edward C. Holmes's renowned Virological post with assistance of A.Rambaut on the morning of 20200111(GMT+8).
>The GISAID announcement sparkled largely by curators and China CDC, contridicted to the virological post, which of course, was also a bizarre story.

>The importance of swift sharing for emerging infectious pathogens, whilst protecting the researchers rights, an issue can be debated for eternity. Let's first acknowledge the sharing of these genomes marked the start of fight against SARS-COV-2.

>Facts: i)the OPEN to the PUBLIC of 5 genomes from 3 institutes on GISAID was on 12th Jan, no matter using UTC or GMT+8. The simultaneously release was requested by China side, GISAID complied.
>Facts: ii)the credential of the China submission, created by GISAID on 11th Jan, upon the request from the China side. Because the leading submitter was NOT working in influenza. And GISAID, didn't have the epicov page created yet at the beginning.
>Facts: iii)The TEM image of viruses, was sent to GISAID on 12th Jan, the GISAID embeded the arrows and 'IVDC, China CDC' upon China request.
>Facts: iv)The TEM image and homepage statement was sent by China CDC upon the suggestion of GISAID for 'media impact'.
>Facts: v)GISAID did NOT obtain the full genomes of IVDC-01,04,05 and metadata of samples/authors Until early 12th Jan
>Facts: vi)IVDC first genomes also updates for accuracy like MN908947 in following days.

>#WHO 2019-ncov genome sequencing references quoted for early Jan share of 2019ncov genome (73~80), WHO did not recognize GISAID as the first open sharer.


Genbank records on MN908947 (Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate) (screenshots on sequence codes mostly)
>So much for the 'rectification' remours about Zhang's lab been 'shut down' after release. Down pointing backhand indexThis clearly says not true.
OCR'd the attached pic (it's low res):
>Wen Kuangxiao or News asamns| 3
>[[本了]7 The spread of new coronavirus pneumonia
>All regions and departments take the strictest measures in strict accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government
>| Shanghai implements a primary response mechanism for major public health emergencies
>Kou Dong Jie Chi avoids dodge and pro-type Keno keeps the festival six-short arbitrarily ir four
>-2 Shanghai's prevention and control are in action to effectively protect the city
>Love the king, Guan Zhongying's relatives, nostalgia
>LA New Year's Eve, Wuhan at night
>Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory New Husband Qualified for Research on Novel Coronavirus
>The world's most advanced virus laboratory launched a "tough battle" against the new coronavirus




Wellcome Trust (global "charitable" foundation co-operating with World Economic Forum) assisted EcoHealth Alliance to utilize the pandemic, naturally


>Covid-19, trust, and Wellcome: how charity’s pharma investments overlap with its research efforts

>Private research funders court controversy with billions in secretive investments





Winnipeg Lab, Xiangguo Qiu, Gary Kobinger
Qiu worked for WIV while she was at the Winnipeg lab
Head of the special pathogen program at the time wasn't Kobinger, he quit in 2015
Guess they pushed him to protect the head at the time Heinz Feldmann
Heinz Feldmann was Qiu's chief at Winnipeg
He currently works for NIAID
He's also a special advisor to EcoHealth
Pic - Kobinger Feldmann and the recently deceased former head at Winnipeg Plummer





Mou Danlei - another fourth military medical university and harvard connection


>Chief Physician, Doctor of Internal Medicine (Infectious Diseases) of the Fourth Military Medical University, Postdoctoral of Harvard Medical School, USA.
>She is currently the deputy director of the Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases, Beijing You'an Hospital, Capital Medical University.
>She has been engaged in infectious/infectious diseases and related non-infectious diseases for 28 years.
>She has been engaged in advanced studies at Peking University Women's and Children's Hospital. Pediatrics, for adults and children with
various common infections/infectious diseases (such as viral hepatitis, viral pneumonia, AIDS, viral hemorrhagic fever, fever and rash infectious diseases), difficult and severe diseases (such as unexplained fever, unexplained liver Abnormal work, unexplained pneumonia,...
Dan Lei Mou's research while affiliated with Fourth Military Medical University and other places
Danlei Mou's research while affiliated with Capital Medical University and other places
Her research in hantaviruses, HIV, exosomes and SARS-CoV-2
https://archive.is/SThLx (https://archive.is/2zXV8)




Video thumb

>WIV has a public conference about Sars-Cov possible mutations to man in 2018
>Speaker: Shi Zhengli


>Wuhan laboratory research
The Wuhan Institute of Virology contains China's only BSL4 rated facility and is the national center for advanced virology research. In addition to the BSL4 lab is contains many lower-security laboratories where viruses such as SARS and MERS are actively studied.

Some conclusions this article pulls out there but the research is top notch; it proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Wuhan lab was conducting extensive research on coronaviruses.

>Chinese Biological Weapons program
>China is commonly considered to have an active biological warfare program and has many facilities involved in dual-use research for both civilian and military purposes, most prominent of which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology. China maintains many other secret military biological research facilities, this is known to western intelligence.

>"China’s growing investment in bio-science, looser ethics around gene-editing and other cutting-edge technology and integration between government and academia raise the spectre of such pathogens being weaponized, he said." - James Giordano, a neurology professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow in biowarfare at the U.S. Special Operations Command

Unexpected novel Merbecovirus discoveries in agricultural sequencing datasets from Wuhan, China
> In this study we document the unexpected discovery of multiple coronaviruses and a BSL-3 pathogen in agricultural cotton and rice sequencing datasets. In particular, we have identified a novel HKU5-related Merbecovirus in a cotton dataset sequenced by the Huazhong Agricultural University in 2017.
>We have also found an infectious clone sequence containing a novel HKU4-related Merbecovirus related to MERS coronavirus in a rice dataset sequenced by the Huazhong Agricultural University in early 2020. Another HKU5-related Merbecovirus, as well as Japanese encephalitis virus, were identified in a cotton dataset sequenced by the Huazhong Agricultural University in 2018.

>An HKU3-related Betacoronavirus was found in a Mus musculus sequencing dataset from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2017. Finally, a SARS-WIV1-like Betacoronavirus was found in a rice dataset sequenced by the Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in 2017.
>Using the contaminating reads we have extracted from the above datasets, we were able to assemble complete genomes of two novel coronaviruses which we disclose herein.
>In light of our findings, we raise concerns about biosafety protocol breaches, as indicated by our discovery of multiple dangerous human pathogens in agricultural sequencing laboratories in Wuhan and Fouzou City, China.


>We strongly condemn Dr. Angela Rasmussen’s public lying, slander, and bullying. In this letter we document several instances of the above. This behavior needs to stop and Dr. Rasmussen must be held accountable.


>Over 500 U.S. Scientists Under Investigation for Being Compromised by China


>Under an agreement with Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, University of Alberta researchers have gained access to >50 state labs in China since 2005, while >60 profs have received grants for >90 joint projects with Chinese state / national labs.






>The deeds of the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Source: Published: 2020-02-20





[Weird deaths]


>website keeps track of all the Dr's and Holistic healers who have been murdered in the last 6 years and its up to OVER 100 of them
>excluding James Taylor, sadly



Dr Frank Plummer

>>had an unhealthy liver and was an alcoholic and played with his brain
>But the legendary scientist was also secretly addicted to alcohol. And that, combined with a genetic predisposition to liver disease, put his life in danger. He spent several years going through every treatment on offer, including a new liver. Nothing worked.
>Then one day, in 2018, his addictions specialist mentioned a highly experimental clinical trial at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. Deep brain stimulation involves permanently inserting a pair of electrodes into the brain and then running an electrical current through them from a battery pack nestled near the collarbone. The hope was that the current would interfere with the part of the brain making Plummer crave alcohol, but it was so early in the investigative process that the questions were legion. Was it safe? Would it work? How else would it affect his brain?
>but died of heart attack at a crucial time at the beginning of the pandemic, in early February 2020



Peter Salama
>The Australian-born medical epidemiologist was known as an eloquent global health advocate, who dedicated his career to combatting the world’s most difficult and dangerous diseases and strengthening fragile health systems in states weakened by war and civil unrest.

>After joining WHO in 2016 as executive director of Health Emergencies, Salama oversaw the winding down of a massive Ebola epidemic in West Africa, only to be confronted two years later in 2018 with the re-emergence of the deadly virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
>But he was well-prepared. During the 2013-2016 outbreak, Salama had overseen UNICEF’s response as Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa. Over three years, that epidemic killed over 11,000 people, leaving behind ravaged economies and societies in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.
>In 2019, during a WHO internal reorganization, Dr Tedros nonetheless moved Salama out of his natural turf in Emergencies, appointing him Executive Director of WHO’s new flagship programme on Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

>The new UHC programme is of premier strategic importance, although the transfer also came amidst a series of internal staff complaints within the Emergencies team. While these were primarily targeted at other staff, the waves also touched Salama. Mike Ryan was appointed executive director of the Emergencies Programme, a position he holds today.


Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead
>She was later informed by her alarm company that someone had set off her alarm at 3:45 in the morning and immediately disarmed it with the master code, which Vaughan said no one had but her. Whoever entered proceeded to walk down her hallway, setting off the monitor sensor, and opened and shut her dining room window before leaving the house at 3:49 a.m.

>“After the incident I talked to some security experts who have actually done intimidation for corporations, and they said, they were probably tapping your place.”


[May 2020] Three Russian doctors fall from hospital windows, raising questions amid coronavirus pandemic

[June 2020] Russian Police Colonel Being Treated For SARS-2 Falls From Moscow Hospital Window








>The GISAID Initiative was initially funded by Peter Bogner—a strategic advisor and international broadcasting executive—who serves as its founder and principal facilitator. Bogner has been directing the build-up of this platform by bringing together the world's leading scientists and stakeholders who are actively committed to accelerating understanding of this potential human pandemic by rapidly sharing scientific data and results. In January 2006, Bogner met with US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff at the World Economic Forum in DavosSwitzerland, and was told about the US government's preparedness concept on dealing with the potential of a flu pandemic.[24] Concerns about a pandemic scenario heightened

>On January 10, 2020, the first SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequences were released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and shared through GISAID.[7] Throughout 2020, huge volumes of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences sampled and analyzed all over the globe have been added to the GISAID database, rapidly shared by laboratories around the world.

>GISAID's governance structure[33] provides for several organizational bodies that operate independently of each other, with the aim to guard against bias in decision-making. GISAID's administrative affairs are overseen by a board of trustees expected to minimize potential conflicts of interest concerning GISAID's funding sources. Scientific oversight of the initiative comes from its Scientific Advisory Council made up of directors of leading public health laboratories including all six WHO Collaborating Centres for Influenza, and directors of animal health reference laboratories for research on avian influenza for the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This governance structure is meant to improve the functional capabilities of the EpiFlu™ database managed by GISAID's Database Technical Group, composed of experts in virus sequencing and bioinformatics, who represent the user community to interact with software and developers of tools for analysis.


GISAID's chinese partners



As of February 2021, 500 scientists had enough and want to end GISAIDS' monopoly on data
















>Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.

>The simulation, which was conducted months prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, involves a scenario in which tourists returning from China spread a respiratory virus in the United States, beginning in Chicago. In less than two months the virus had infected 110 million Americans, killing more than half a million. The report issued at the conclusion of the exercise outlines the government's limited capacity to respond to a pandemic, with federal agencies lacking the funds, coordination, and resources to facilitate an effective response to the virus.

Key findings
>Federal government lacks sufficient funding to respond to a severe influenza pandemic.
>Exercise participants lacked clarity on the roles of different federal agencies, and what information was important to pass on to federal partners.
>HHS had issues providing accurate and relevant information to hospitals and other public health organizations.
>Confusion between HHS, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland Security on which federal agency would take the lead in the crisis.
>The United States lacks the production capacity to meet the demands for protective equipment and medical devices such as masks and ventilators imposed by a pandemic.
>States were unable to efficiently request resources due to the lack of a standardized request process.


>Event 201 was 3rd pandemic simulation organized by the Center for Health Security of the Johns Hopkins University since 2001, all of which were closed to the public. Latest one in 2019 was the first one to invite members of the private sector (from airline executives to executives of pharmaceutical companies).
>Same year, another simulation exercise took place from January to August. Organized by the American government, the Crimson Contagion had the participation of several government agencies and American states. In this exercise, the USA was victimized by a pandemic caused by a respiratory virus brought by tourists returning from China.

>“As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.” This warning would have come from the National Center for Medical Intelligence, the United States military and defense intelligence agency subordinated to the Defense and Intelligence Agency. “Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,” said one of the sources in the NCMI report. This report would have been passed on several times to the DIA, the Pentagon and the White House. But the Pentagon “issued a statement denying the “product/assessment” existed.”

>But the Times of Israel newspaper published an article in April 2020 saying that the Israeli TV Channel 12 broadcast the news that “the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of that month and drew up a classified document.” “Information on the disease outbreak was not in the public domain at that stage — and was known only apparently to the Chinese government.” American intelligence would have decided “to update 2 allies with the classified document: NATO and Israel, specifically the IDF.”


>Another beautiful set of coincidences.
>In 2014, then President Barack Obama’s government decided to cut the money allocated for gain-of-function experiments. For molecular biologist Richard Ebright, this type of forced intervention in nature under the excuse of understanding the enemy is like “looking for a gas leak with a lighted match.”

>The gain-of-function experiments in 2014 were under the command of Anthony Fauci. Fauci is the immunologist who has led the powerful National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the USA since 1984, an unusual longevity, possibly never seen in such an important position in any democratic country where governments can be alternated every 4 years.

>Fauci is treated by lesser journalists like God, and perhaps that is why he was able to carry out the experiments without any scrutiny by executing an administrative maneuver. He did that by outsourcing gain-of-function studies, hiring the NGO EcoHealth Alliance.

>This NGO is run by Peter Daszak, who in turn transferred the money and delegated the experiments to the laboratory in Wuhan, China, the city where covid-19 was first identified, and to where the same Daszak returned later, this time as a member of the WHO commission that went to investigate the origins of the pandemic in January 2021. Now that’s some coincidence.


Thread of Chinese Documents
>This is just a DUMP OF WIV lab related documents for reference purposes and backup.

Also, one WIV page got scrubbed lol:
Its archive:

>Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory Project Environmental Protection Completion Acceptance Testing Service Competitive Negotiation Announcement (Closed)
>Source: Time: 2018-04-19
>Due to work needs, the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences needs to purchase the environmental protection completion acceptance testing services of the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory project through competitive negotiation.
>Qualified service providers are now invited to submit sealed negotiation documents for the following related services.
>Project Title: Environmental Protection Completion Acceptance Testing Service of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory Project
>2. Project location: Zhengdian Gold Industrial Park, Jiangxia District, Wuhan
>3. Service content: In accordance with the reply to the review opinions of the environmental impact report of the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory project, carry out the completion environmental protection acceptance survey and monitoring work (including noise detection and other matters), after on-site investigation, monitoring and data collection, the completion of the completion of the environmental protection acceptance inspection report.
>After the negotiation documents are sealed with the official seal (five copies), they shall be submitted to the Zhengdian Research Park of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences from April 19 to 23, 2018. Material recipient: Xie Weiwei.
>On-site investigation contact person and telephone number: Tang Huashan 18971536100, 027-51861008.


>Yes, the first 17 deaths of Red Dawn are the same as the list of NHC (which includes the surname). But in the remaining deaths there are still a few interesting cases: #21 & #37. Also could be interesting 18, 26 & 32.
>I used OCR for that Red Dawn list:


>18. Zhao Moumou, female, 85 years old, had orthostatic hypotension, hypothyroidism, systemic osteoarthritis, ischemic necrosis of the femoral head, etc. On November 26, 2019, because of intermittent palpitation for 1 year, and his symptoms worsened, he was admitted to the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for treatment. On January 21, 2020, the patient's condition further deteriorated, and the rescue was invalid at 18:50 and he was declared dead.
>November 26, 2019, because of intermittent palpitation for 1 year, and his symptoms worsened, he was admitted to the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for treatment


[Rundown on flip-flopping narrative-pushing shills trying to obfuscate investigations - CFR + EcoHealth + OneHealth + DARPA + DTRA + Big Pharma + Academia + Biodefense Establishment + Media Allies + Academic Journals + Lancet + Nature + NATO + 77th Brigade + WHO + et cetera ]